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Mexico offers us many cultural areas, moments, and events; among them is 5 de Mayo. Last year, Sani Dental Group did a post in which we explained the Battle of Puebla. Curiously this date is often confused with Mexico Independence Day, but the battle of Puebla is not only a holiday that commemorates Mexico's victory over the French or that establ...


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Becoming a parent or grandparent for the first time is not an easy task, there are many “terror” that could occur and take new parents by surprise. Thankfully many new parents have their parents to assist them; but when parents have concerns about specific areas, they might need outside assistance. Recently one of our patients visited...


Post-Surgery Oral Care: Whitening Procedures

In the 2014-2015 winter season Sani Dental Group performed thousands of dental procedures; our patients came to the United States and Canada and many other places. The dental procedures included Surgeries, Dental Implants, Dental Cosmetics, Dental Cleaning, and Whitening Procedures. For this post, our team of professionals would like to offer you...


Bone Healing after a Dental Implant

Sani Dental Group wants you to have the best dental experience, if you recently received a dental implant and have ever wondered about the process through which your bones go through, we invite you to read this post. Dental Implant – The Procedure Having a dental implant place can be a complex dental surgery. First, your dentist will evalu...


Post-Surgery Oral Care: Dental Surgeries

During the month of March Sani Dental Group experience an increase in the number of dental surgeries performed. Many of our patients took advantage of our Newsletter promotion and bone graft surgery was performed in them. During the month of April we have analyzed the post-surgery oral cares one must do after experiencing a dental procedure. If you...


Improve your Memory and Mental Capacities

Mental diseases can be prevented, either by a healthy diet or by properly flossing and brushing our teeth. For this week Sani Dental Group will explain how brushing and flossing can stop memory loss. Reasons to Brush our Teeth There are numerous of reasons for which one should brush and floss twice a day every day, through regular visits to the d...


Earth Day

Can you imagine something that can bring together millions of people from all over the world? No matter their race, social-economic status or political points of views, Earth Day is an international event that for generations has brought people together. For Sani Dental Group, your oral health is our priority, but having a natural environment in wh...


Post-Surgery Oral Care: Dental Implants

We have analyze what post-surgery oral cares one must do after dental cleaning or dental cosmetics surgery has been performed. For this week Sani Dental Group will like to offer you more easy tips, our dental clinic is concern with your health and would like to help all of our patients who had recently had a dental implant surgery. After the proce...

Negative Ions Why they are Great for your Health

Disease is present at all times and it can located in the air we breathe or the foods we eat, sometimes we will be able to protect our bodies from them, but others things can get complicated. In a previous post we learn the importance of a detox bath and the many benefits they can offer us. For this week Sani Dental Group would like to give you det...


Bleeding Gums: Causes and Treatment

Blood is something many of us fear, the simple sight of blood can cause the person to faint. The anticipation of a physical injury or an injection is one of the trigger Hemophobia or seeing your gums bleed. Fainting will not occur if you have a panic attack, however with blood-injury-needle phobias, fainting is likely to occur. For our dental clini...


Post-Surgery Oral Care: Dental Cosmetics

Continuing with our Post-Surgery Oral Care tips, for this post Sani Dental Group would like to assist all our patients who have had questions and concerns about what to do after a cosmetic procedure has been performed. Dental cosmetics procedures include Bridges, Crowns, Veneers, Dentures, and Partial Dentures. After the procedure is done we invi...


Your Toothbrush and Its many Uses

We thank you our beloved reader for continuing to follow us, can you believe it we have together for more than a year. Toothpaste can be used for multiple things, in a previous post we mention to our readers and followers 10 Different uses For Toothpaste, Other than Brushing your Teeth.Today after using your toothbrush many of us through it to the...


Enamel Erosion - How It Affects Your Teeth

Welcome back our beloved reader, can you believe it’s been a year since we began our blog? In the past year Sani Dental Group has offer our visitors numerous of tips, explain dental procedures, invited you to the capital of dental tourism (Los Algodones). For this next year, our dental clinic will continue to offer you weekly dental tips, exp...


Post-Surgery Oral Care: Dental Cleaning

You recently visit Sani Dental Group and receive a dental cleaning either Deep Cleaning, Laser Treatment or LANAP. After the procedure is done you might feel pain or have questions, to better assist you during the month of April we will give you a few post-surgery steps you should take to avoid oral discomfort. To relieve pain; you can take pain...

Free Radicals: Prevent Cell Damage

Every day we see changes, for example: an apple turns brown, meat becomes rancid, or a cut on our skin becomes raw and inflamed. All these are examples of oxidation, this is a natural process and as it happens in nature it can happen in our body. Just like oxidation affects living tissue, free radical molecules (molecules that have oxidized) can af...

April - Time for New Changes

Taking some time off this April and visiting Los Algodones? Before you come to the capital of dental tourism, remember that Sani Dental Group is moving! That’s right the largest dental clinic in Los Algodones will no longer be in Los Algodones. Our facilities will re-locate to El Vizcaino, BSC. We apologies for the inconvenience this will cau...

Tooth Sensitivity

Imagine the following situation you are with your friends and love ones enjoying your favorite dish. Then, all of a sudden you feel something that we have all experience this at one time or another. You are having your favorite hot or cold drink, but as our beverage is entering our mouth and passing through our teeth, BOOM! We feel pain. This denta...


Healthy Dental Habits for Seniors

All of us follow different habits, things that we have been doing for years; some habits make our life easier and others are simply done for no apparent reason. For this week tips our dental clinic will like to offer you a few healthy dental habits that you should try to follow at all times. Here at Sani Dental Group our team of professional dentis...


Odd Dental Cases: Odontoma

Our teeth are our responsibility and it’s up to us to take care of them. However sometimes new diseases can develop, and some of these can affect our oral cavity. Sani Dental Group would like to ask you a few questions: Do you feel as if something is growing in your teeth or your oral cavity? When you look at yourself do you feel bumps o...

Thumb Sucking and it's Dental Problems

Thumb-sucking an action that we all did when young can cause several dental problems. For this week tips Sani Dental Group would like to offer parents and grandparents advice that will help them protect their young ones teeth; prevent dental problems before they begin. At one point the adult must encourage his son or grandson to stop this habit th...