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Beware of Bed Bugs

During the winter many of us will be in vacation either from school or from work, many will travel long distances in order to visit family or friends. Eventually many travelers will stay in a hotel or motel or with family. What many travels don’t know is of the recent increase infestation of Bed Bugs. Bed Bugs Bed bugs, bed-bugs, or bedbugs...


Medical and Cultural Expo RV Desert Trails

The Desert Trails RV Park and Golf Course in El Centro, CA. welcomed the thousands and thousands of snowbirds and RVers who arrive on Saturday December 06 to the city. At the event snowbirds and RVers witness the love and appreciation that El Centro feels for them. In the event visitors saw many performances, among them: square dances, comedic show...


Los Algodones Welcome Party

On Saturday December 06 the city of Los Algodones, Mexico held a very especial event for our beloved snowbirds; the city held its annual Welcome Party. The town of Los Algodones, Mexico wants to welcome Canadian and American citizens to their town, yes this city is really the town of the snowbirds. Once you arrive at the city, you will see the lov...


Dental Care for Seniors

As we grow old some things change however, in times many stay the same. In the case of dental care, the steps we are tough when we are kids are much the same when we get older. At a young age we are told the benefits to washing our teeth twice a day and flossing once a day, we are also told the importance of having a strong healthy smile, the impor...


Ear Infections: Treatments and Cures

Ear infections are coming, this week Sani Dental Group will offer you the symptoms and treatments options to prevent ear problems. Our dental clinic knows that it is in the winter season when this problems becomes more common; but by taking the necessary steps you can prevent this problem and enjoy the holiday season with a smile and not with a rup...



Witzelsucht In the media, we all see comedic characters who make us laugh and help us enjoy a movie, a sitcom, or a close friend of ours who we find hysterical. In fact, Sani Dental Group knows that we all know or have a friend that constantly makes jokes and is the life of the party; however, what happens when our friends lose control? Can you i...

Medical Treatments in Los Algodones: Gastric Sleeve

Are you afraid of the effects this holiday season will leave? All the extra pounds that will be gain? Every New Year thousands upon thousands promise themselves that they want to lose weight this new year. However, because of events that occurs on our daily life, we fail to fulfill this promise. A solution that has work for some is the: Gastric Sle...

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day has arrived, are you ready to enjoy the celebration? This Thursday millions of Americans will gather with their family, friends, loved and many will enjoy with a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner. The dinner will include dishes like: turkey, fruits and vegetables, pumpkin pie, potatoes and many other delicious treats. However, not...

Give Thanks for Healthy Teeth

Thanksgiving Day is just a few days away and following the tradition, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. For more information regarding Canada’s Thanksgiving celebration, we invite you to read our post: Canada’s Thanksgiving DayMany of our pa...


Oral Health and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just a few days away have you decided how and what you will be making that during the festivity? If you have no idea of what you will be cooking, then we invite to read this week tips and obtain ideas for Thanksgiving Dinner. However, we advise all of our readers to be alert and carefully select the ingredients and quantities in th...

Sjogren?s Syndrome

There are many diseases that can occur in our body, some of these we can understand; while other are more complicated. Also, at times some of these disease can be caused by our own body; in addition there are several autoimmune diseases that can affect us. Can you imagine feeling sad or happy, but not being able to cry? An autoimmune disease that...


Snowbirds and their Impact

Snowbirds are making an impact in today’s societies. No, we are no talking about the small grayish sparrows, the dark-eyed junco who are native to the Northern region of USA and Canada. Snowbirds is a term used to describe elderly persons who reside in the northern US or Canada states and travel south during the winter season, for example tr...


5 Ways to Prevent Sickness

Vacation season is close and we know that many of our patients and readers will be traveling, unfortunately during your travels you might get sick. Here at Sani Dental Group your oral health is important, but also your overall health. Apps for Jet Lag try them Planning to travel on plan? If so, you could be at risk of suffering Jet Lag. Jet Lag...


A Day to Remember a Hero

War has occurred since the beginning of time, wars are one of the many causes of pain and suffering killing thousands of lives. Many of us have lost a family member or friend because of a war. Of course no one likes to remember the casualties of war, but we don’t want to forget our loved ones. In order to not forget them, each country has dev...


Tame Your Sweet Tooth

So this weekend it’s your turn to take care of your grandchildren, how will you take care of them? Your grandkids love to visit you, they know that once in your home many memories will be made. Have you decided what you will do with them? In most cases, a visit to the grandparents’ home represents an opportunity to learn new things, cr...


Tips for Caregivers

In a previous post, Family Caregivers Their Importance, we learned the importance of having a caregiver; remember a caregiver is an unpaid or paid person (usually family) who assists a family member or an individual with their daily activities. In addition to learning the importance of giving our elderly folks the assistance they need to perform th...

The Evolution of Dentistry

Going to the dentist has always been a scary experience for most, however you should keep this in mind, if you thought going to the dentist was bad now, imagine how it used to be. The profession of dentistry has gone through many changes, all of these changes have help patients in numerous of forms. After seeing and knowing all the changes the prof...



How would you celebrate this tradition? Will you dress-up? Throw a party? Will you go trick-or-treating? Well regardless of the traditions you follow, our dental clinic wants you to create memorable moments this Halloween and would like our readers to know how this prediction started. Sani Dental Group wants you to have a safe Halloween, we invite...


Having a Healthy and Safe Halloween

Halloween is here are you ready? If not we invite you to read these tips to have a healthy and safe Halloween. Tips for a Safe Halloween When selecting your costume we invite you to focus on the following areas, this way your Halloween will be safe. Creative, but Safe Costumes Your costume should be scary, unique and creative, but it should als...



Vacation time has finally arrive, this year you decide visit your parents and grandparents; because of your busy schedule, you have not been able to visit them recently. This year you will finally get to see your love ones, enjoy grandma’s cooking, visit your childhood and create memorable moments. When at your grandparents’ home, you n...