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Dental Procedure: Odontoplasty

Do you have small imperfections? Do you wish to reduce the size or shape of your teeth? If so we invite you to read and understand an oral procedure called: Odontoplasty. Contact our team of professionals to see if you can qualify for this surgery. Dental Health and Recontouring Teeth Odontoplasty or Recontouring is a dental procedure in which a...


Saint Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day is here! How will you celebrate this Irish holiday? There are several ways to celebrate this tradition and here in Los Algodones, we want you to be part of the celebration. This religious holiday is celebrated on March 17; the holiday commemorates the services offer by Saint Patrick and bringing Christianity to its people. H...


The Wisdom Tooth

Your grandson recently came to visit you, your grandson explains to you that that lately he has been experiencing jaw pain. You take your grandson to the dentist and the dentist explain that your grandson’s wisdom teeth are coming out. From here your dentist offers you a few tips to relieve your dental pain. But what are wisdom teeth? The Wi...


7 Reasons You Will Want to Drink A Glass Of Water with Lemon In the Morning

Recently one of our patients came and ask us about the benefits and risks of drinking water with lemon. Today, many health and fitness enthusiasts drink hot lemon water, they say that this drink can assist with weight loss, cleanse your body, stimulate digestive enzymes, stimulate your immune system, and many other benefits. However what many of...


Dentophobia: What is it?

Fear is something that we all have experienced at one time or another, this is one of the most basic human emotions. From birth, we are equipped with the survival instincts to respond to fear or when to sense danger, the "fight or flight" reaction. However, there will be times when one will not be able to control these fears; or situations in whic...

Los Algodones Optics

The eye, an organ so important that we sometimes take it for granted; this organ can compare to a highly efficient, self-adjusting “camera” that transmits impulses to the brain. Once in our brain these impulses will be transform into information and images, the information and images allow us to see how beautiful our world really is. Un...

Cellulite: How to Get Rid of It

Can it be possible? Have you been diagnose with Cellulite? But wait, what is cellulite and how can you get rid of cellulite? What is Cellulite? Cellulite – a skin condition caused by our own fatty deposits. When affect by this skin disorder, the fatty deposits will cause your skin to dimple and appear similar to an orange or cottage cheese;...


Good Oral Health: Preventing Bruxism

Night has finally arrived, after a long day at work, spending time with family and friends, you are ready to settle in and rest. From here you close your eyes and begin to dream, this happens almost automatically and many of us are not even aware of it. However, this is not the only thing that happens at night and many of us are not aware of it; n...


Bone Graft The Dental Procedure

Recently a post was made regarding Dental Bone Graft. In the post, we explain the types of bone grafts available and the steps involved with this oral procedure. However, we notice that some of our patients and visitors had additional questions, questions like: Why Bone Graft is performed? How to prepare for this Dental Surgery What are the ri...


Taking Care of your Braces and Teeth

So, you recent got braces, now what will you do? Getting an orthopedic treatment can be very beneficial, but also very confusing. If you currently have braces or have had braces, you might of have noticed that the position of your bite has improved and that your teeth are straighter than before. There are several reasons why one might need this den...


Dental Mercury Detoxification

For thousands of years dentist have been using a dental procedure called: dental amalgam. A dental amalgam is an alloy of mercury with other metals that dentists uses to restore a smile. This dental treatment is used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay, the treatment was first documented during the Tang Dynasty in China (618-907 A.D.); in a...


The Chicken Pox

Little ones are at risk, if your grandchildren have return to school chances are that they can developed Chickenpox. What is it? Chicken Pox Chicken-Pox is contagious illness caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV); the virus causes an itchy rash and red spots that look like blister all over the body. The virus will also cause flu-like symptom...


Detox Bath: Why and How

Last updated on 2022 Every year Americans work an average of 1,800’s hours (based on statistics provided by OECD). This means that everyday an employed can faced stress, poor communication between employees and bosses, making difficult decisions, poor motivation, absence of team identity, and many more difficulties. All this can be caused a...


President's Day

There are many myths today associated with Presidents, for example, that George Washington, had wooden teeth manufactured by Paul Revere, or that Abe Lincoln was an avid vampire hunter. Both of these are fiction, neither Washington had wooden teeth nor Lincoln-faced vampires. Here at Sani Dental Group, we like to clear these myths through our blo...


Adults: Their Dental Concerns

Turning 40 is considered a milestone in a person’s life, by this age, many of our life goals have been reached. However, when we reached this age, diseases like diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure become a familiar topic of discussion amongst this age group. Now, age will have a much deeper effect on your health, these include your teet...

10 Uses for Toothpaste ? Not only for Oral Health

Many of us today use toothpaste and the primary use for toothpaste is to clean and protect our teeth, that’s why it has the word “tooth” in it. This paste, also called dentifrice, is an essential element to our daily oral hygiene routine. Toothpaste, whether we use it in: pastes, gels or powders, help us prevent gingivitis, bad br...

Ways Green Tea can helps you Achieve Excellent Oral Health

Taking care of our body has never been easier than today, today one of the many tools we have to take care of our body is drinking an antioxidant tea. One of the most popular rich antioxidant drinks today is Green Tea. Green Tea contains compounds that can control inflammation and fight bacterial infections and through new research it has been disc...


2015 Customer Service Award

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of patients who travel to other countries searching for excitement and fun. However, in the search for this excitement tourist have discover many troubles; for example, if you experience an injury or pain on the trip, to who do you turn? Keep in mind that you will be a visitor in a foreign co...


Super Bowl the Legends

February has arrived and with this month a tradition, since 2004 February has become Super Bowl Month. However, this was not always the case, since Super Bowl # 1 until super bowl # 35 all these NFL final showdown was played in January, Super Bowl # 34 was the exception, because it was played in February 3. The tradition return to January in 2003,...


Health Regeneration: Stem Cell

In recent years Mexico has become one of the top destinations for Medical Tourism in the world this is because of Mexico availability for new medical services and great prices. In 2015 Sani Dental Group will open a new facility that will offer you many new services, among them a Stem Cell clinic. Stem Cell: What are they? Stem cell are undifferen...