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Tooth Sensitivity

Imagine the following situation you are with your friends and love ones enjoying your favorite dish.
Then, all of a sudden you feel something that we have all experience this at one time or another. You are having your favorite hot or cold drink, but as our beverage is entering our mouth and passing through our teeth, BOOM! We feel pain. This dental pain can be caused because of several reasons, usually it is of short duration; but its affects are harsh and painful.

Dental Problem: Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a dental disease that can affect one or more teeth. When one suffers from tooth sensitivity, sharp pain can be felt through the tooth nerve endings.
The pain is most commonly trigger when you eat or drink something hot, cold, sweet, or sour; sometimes even a breath of cold air can set pain.

This sharp dental pain is caused when your gums have pull back and expose the surface beneath, called the dentin. Dentin is the soft tissue layer that makes up the inner part and roots of our teeth. This inner area is composed of thousands of tiny tubes that lead to the tooth's nerve center (the pulp).
If there is a crack on your tooth heat, cold or sweet can enter the tubes, leading to sharp dental pain.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

There are several causes that can lead to sensitive teeth. Below is a list of the most common thing that can cause sensitive teeth:

  • Acidic Foods
  • Age
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Gum disease (gingivitis)
  • Long-term mouthwash use
  • Plaque buildup
  • Some Dental work
  • Teeth grinding
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth-whitening products
  • Wear and Tear

Treating Tooth Sensitivity

If you are suffering from sensitive teeth, we invite you to smile, today there are many ways to control sensitive teeth.

  • Brush and Floss Regularly – properly brushing and flossing your teeth is essential to healthy, clean teeth and prevent sensitive teeth. Use soft-bristled toothbrush to gently remove food particles and not the gum tissue.
  • Don’t grind your Teeth – if you been diagnose with bruxism and your dentist has given you a mouth guard, use it every night.
  • Fluoridated Dental Products – your dentists might recommend you to use fluoridated products to help reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Healthy Diet – Avoid foods or drinks that are highly acidic.
  • Regular visit to the Dentist – every 6 months (or sooner, depending on your oral needs)
  • Special Sensitive Teeth toothpaste – there are several brands of dental products whom offer special products that specialize in treating sensitive teeth.

Los Algodones Dentists

The city of Los Algodones has many dental clinics, more than 200 clinics; but the largest dental clinic the city offers you is Sani Dental Group. Here at Sani our team of professional can offer you a wide variety of treatments options, during diagnosis your dentist might recommend you:

Bonding – dental procedure in which root surfaces can be treated by applying bonding resin to sensitive surfaces.
Fluoride – in order to strengthen your tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity, your dentist might apply fluoride to the sensitive areas of your teeth.
Root Canal – if you are suffering pain caused by sensitive teeth; a dental procedure your dentist will use to treat problems is root canal, in this treatment the tooth's soft core is remove (dental pulp).
Surgical Gum Graft – if tooth root has lost gum tissue, a small amount of gum tissue can be taken from elsewhere in your mouth and attached to the affected site. Reducing tooth sensitivity.

With more than 30 professional dentists Sani Dental Group is the best option you have to treat sensitive teeth and any oral problem you might have. We invite you to contact one of our patient coordinators and set-up an appointment with us. Our dental clinic offer you affordable rates, professional dentists and a place to vacation while fixing their teeth/smile.
Come allow us to treat you and take care of your oral needs.