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Infection Control

Today germs and virus are everywhere; whether you are a child, a teen, an adult, or elderly you could be in contact of germs and viruses. Whether you are playing at the park, at the mall’s elevator, having a picnic with your love ones, or placing your hand on the shopping cart handles you could be at risk of an infection. To help control the harmful effects a disease can cause, Sani Dental Group would like to offer you a few tips that will help you reduce and prevent the risks of harmful infections.

Infection: Who is at Risk?

As previously mention we are all at risk of developing an infection, but if you have one of the following problems your control over the infection is reduce. This can occur if:

  • After an organ transplant (immune system weaken, because of medication)
  • Damage in primary defense: broken skin, body fluid stasis, injured tissue
  • Damage in secondary defenses: immunosuppression, leukopenia
  • Exposure to pathogens
  • Immune System disorder
  • Malnutrition
  • Rupture of amniotic membranes
  • The use of drugs
  • You have AIDS or HIV
  • You have Cancer

Al these problems decrease your control over an infection, the symptoms will vary from one disease to another in addition to the person’s age and body.


The symptoms you feel when you lose control of an infection will differ from one disease and another; however, the general symptoms include:

  • Confusion
  • Diarrhea
  • Discomfort to bright light
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • Sleepiness
  • Vomiting
  • How to Prevent Infections

Always keep in mind the following, infection agents can enter our body through different means:

  • Consuming contaminated Food or Water
  • Infection through an Injury
  • Infection through Skin
  • Inhalation of Airborne Germs
  • Insect Bites
  • Sexual Contact

To regain control prevent and reduce infection, these tips will help you:

Keep Hand Clean:
Wash and keep your hands’ clean at all times, whether you are cooking your favorite dish, or before eating, after using the bathroom, or if you are performing any other activity that can dirty your hands..

No Sharing:
Never share your personal items, reduce the transfer of bacteria, germs, or viruses by not sharing your comb, toothbrush, or razor. Also avoid sharing drinking glasses or dining utensils.

Prepare your Own Food:
To take control and avoiding infection cook foods to the proper temperatures, for ground meat it’s 160 F (71 C), in the case of poultry it’s 165 F (74 C), and for all other meats it’s 145 F (63 C). Also, promptly refrigerate leftovers – if a weird odor emerge from the dish, it might be an indication that food has spoil and is no longer safe to eat.

Rest, Rest, Rest:
If you have any of the symptoms mention above, we invite to stay home and rest. If possible take a few days of work or school, rest and recuperate.

Safe Sex:
When having sex, use a condom, especially if you or your partner has a history of sexually transmitted infections or other problems.

Safe Travel:
Before traveling to another country ask your doctor if you need any special vaccinations.

Vaccine Shoots:
Immunization can drastically reduce your risk of contracting a disease, when visiting another country or to keep your young children up to date with their vaccine shoots.