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7 Life Lessons that Grandparents Have Taught Us

Grandparents’ Day is here, and with it comes the opportunity to honor them for all they've taught us. Anyone who has grandparents knows how valuable their knowledge is. Having a grandparent is like having an endless source of lessons that can help us anytime in life. That's why they have their own day, and they deserve to be celebrated. For...

California Admission Day

The state of California is such a representative place of the US that seems incredible the fact that just 165 years ago it became part of the country. There are so many things to be thankful about California; the people, places, culture, and so much more. Sani Dental Group wants to use the opportunity of this day to pay tribute to The Golden State...

Labor Day

It’s Labor Day and we all love it, and why wouldn't we? Labor Day is the perfect excuse to have a long weekend and take a break from the daily work life; but despite that we all like to rest, there are many people who don’t know why we celebrate this day. The origin and story of Labor Day is something that you need to know, because it&r...


Habits that Strengthen Your Teeth

You may think that going to the dentist twice a year is the only way to take care of your teeth, but you shouldn’t let all the responsibility on your dentist’s shoulders. There are easy habits that you can adopt in order to have strong teeth; good oral hygiene combined with a healthy diet assures you a lasting smile. Sani Dental Group,...


Ideas to Take Advantage Your Labor Day Weekend

Everybody needs a good rest once in a while; the daily routine of waking up and going to work can be exhaustive and you may not even notice. You look forward to the weekend, but when it arrives, it’s gone before you started to enjoy it, then it’s Monday again, and the whole daily routine is back. Fortunately, Labor Day exists and gives...


Toothbrush Care

There are basic things that you should know about dental care by now: brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and making a visit to your dentist at least twice a year. On the other hand, these things have details that you may not know and you should; by example, you probably know how to brush, but do you know how to take care of your toothbrush? Your...


National Smile Week

If you’re a regular reader from our blog, then you know that this week was National Smile Week; here at Sani Dental Group we were really excited about it. Having the opportunity to celebrate the importance of smiling is something really important to us, and we took this opportunity to give you information about the many benefits of using your...


Why I Stopped Flossing (and How I Got Back To It)

We all have the right to have an opinion, even when our opinion is not the best idea. A few years ago, I made an opinion and stuck to it: why do I keep flossing? To me, it was always an obligation. My mom used to force me to floss every night before I sleep; when I grew up, there was a sign telling me to floss everywhere I went. The rule to keep fl...


Stem Cells: Myths and Facts

For a long time, talking about stem cells was like talking about the future. Today, stem cells and all their benefits are a viable reality. You’ve probably heard about them and wondered what they are. Well, they’re cells that have the potential to become any type of cell in our body. This means that stem cells have the ability to self-r...



There’s something big happening in Los Algodones, something that will change everything you know about health treatments. A place where you can find alternatives to prevent diseases and cure them. We are talking about MediPlaza, a new concept that will represent the most convenient, easy, and complete experience for Medical Tourism in Mexico...


How to Smile

Smiling should be a pleasure, never a cause of stress; but there are many people that say literally “I don’t like my smile”. What are they talking about? A smile makes everything better. If you think that your smile is not good enough, you should think twice: every smile is good. Sometimes when you don’t like your smile is j...


Preventing Diseases: Staying Healthy

There’s not one single person who wants to be sick. Everybody wishes to be healthy forever and to never have the need to see a doctor; yet many people don’t do much to avoid getting sick. There are habits and small actions one can take to avoid a large number of diseases. Prevention is the key word when health is the subject. There are...


Stem Cells: The Future

We are in a great place on stem cell investigation. At the present time, stem cell therapy is used to help in the healing of diseases like arthritis, cancer, Parkinson and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, stem cells are helpful to burn victims, helping them to regenerate damaged tissue. It’s noteworthy that stem cells also have esthetic...


Senior's Day

National Senior Citizens Day is celebrated across the United States on August 21. It recognizes the contributions senior citizens have made in their communities. Events are organized across the country to raise the awareness of older people. Sani Dental Group recognizes the achievements this demographic have done, of course; but we don’t see...


Preventing Tooth Loss

There’s not one single person that wants to have no teeth on their mouth, and still, there are a lot of people who don’t take any precautions to take care of their teeth. To keep a good smile with every tooth in its place is necessary a constant practice of good dental health habits and care. Many people think that tooth loss is an ine...


How to Have the Picture Perfect Smile

We’ve all been through that moment, the light is right, your skin looks amazing, and the camera loves you (at least, that’s what you think); you’re about to get the perfect picture. Then you see it, all the pieces were in the right place, but your smile just doesn’t works. Even when other people tell you that you look fine,...


10 Incredible Facts That Will Make You Smile

It’s National Smile Week! And there’s only one way to celebrate. Sometimes is not easy to show a smile on your face. There are days when you wake up and don’t want to know anything about the world. That’s why Sani Dental Group gives you 10 amazing facts that will surely bring a smile on you. A Little Size Problem NASA had...


7 Great Reasons to Smile Every Day

During the 2nd week of August, National Smile Week is celebrated and scientific studies have proven that smiling causes happiness. This week is a perfect reason to smile and be a little happier. As you have a big and proud smile in your face, the world can notice how perfect your smile is; so don’t hide your smile. In this post, Sani Dental G...


Car Check: Avoid Unwanted Stops

Summer is almost over and many will soon return to school and their everyday activities; but before you leave take a few days off and travel to your favorite national park. With August being National Park Month, Sani Dental Group invites you to visit one of the many national park the United States has; but before you check your car and avoid unwant...


At Your Favorite National Park

The month of August is National Parks Month and Sani Dental Group invites all our readers to plan a trip and visit a national park during this month. There are so many options one can do when visiting a national park, really the possibilities are almost endless; from camping, fishing, hiking, to horseback riding. All these activities will certain...