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Toothbrush Care

There are basic things that you should know about dental care by now: brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and making a visit to your dentist at least twice a year. On the other hand, these things have details that you may not know and you should; by example, you probably know how to brush, but do you know how to take care of your toothbrush?

Your toothbrush is more important than you think; it is the main tool to keep your mouth clean from infections and bacteria, but as your toothbrush takes care of you, you need to take care of it. Toothbrush care is one of the things that a lot of people don’t know about and it’s really important. You need to keep your toothbrush free from germs and bacteria in order to keep your mouth clean.

Sani Dental Group wants you to take care of your teeth by taking care of your toothbrush; that’s why we give you the information you need about how to keep your toothbrush as healthy as possible.


Here’s an usual question about toothbrush care: what to do with your toothbrush after it has done its job? This subject is really important because your toothbrush is most of the time exposed to bacteria. No need to mention that your toothbrush is in your bathroom, right?

First thing you need to know about your toothbrush storage is that it must always be upright; this will allow the water to drain down from the head of the brush. Also, keep your toothbrush out in the open to let it have access to good air circulation. If you keep it in a drawer or cabinet, bacteria are more likely to grow because of the suffocation.

You should also avoid putting your brush close to other toothbrushes; if they touch each other, bacteria on one brush can contaminate the other. Remember that your bathroom is a focus of infection, so keep your toothbrush away from the toilet and sink. The best way to storing your brush is putting it in a clean glass without other toothbrushes around.


When we talk about toothbrush cleaning, we have to consider that there is a cleaning process before and after using it. First, always wash your hands before you even touch your brush; you could put bacteria from something you touched on your toothbrush and then take it to your mouth. After you wash your hands, then you can wash your toothbrush with hot water. Be sure to remove all traces of toothpaste on the brush.

After brushing, you should wash it again till there are not toothpaste left. Shake your toothbrush to dry it; the wetter your toothbrush is, the easiest the bacteria will grow. There are also electric toothbrush cleaners that can be helpful to keep your brush free of germs. You can use any way you want to clean your brush, but always remember how important it is: a clean toothbrush means a clean mouth.


You’ve probably heard about replacing your toothbrush every three months, and that’s a true fact; the American Dental Association recommends it this way. Still, there are other factors that can influence replacing your toothbrush. Your brush helps you to remove bacteria from food in your mouth, but it doesn't kill disease bacteria; that’s why you need to change your toothbrush after an illness, even if there only has been one week since your last replacement.

There’s also the chance that your toothbrush touches a surface that can be a focus of infection: if you drop your toothbrush near the toilet or another place where you know the bacteria could be present, then you know it’s time to change it.

Remember that three months is just a recommendation; if your toothbrush shows signs of wear and tear, then it’s time to replace it. You must try to keep your toothbrush always in good state, but if it doesn't look that way, don’t wait three months and replace it as soon as you can.

For Sani Dental Group, your dental health is a top priority; that’s why we give you all the information you need to have a healthy teeth. We invite you to read our blog and always be informed about how to take care of your denture. Remember that you always can visit one of our dental clinics where we’ll give you the best service and treatments for your dental care. Give us a call and make an appointment: it’s never too soon to have the best smile possible.