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California Admission Day

The state of California is such a representative place of the US that seems incredible the fact that just 165 years ago it became part of the country. There are so many things to be thankful about California; the people, places, culture, and so much more. Sani Dental Group wants to use the opportunity of this day to pay tribute to The Golden State remembering some of its history and the things that it has contributed to the world.

A Little Bit of History

In 1848, Mexico and the US signed an agreement to finish the Mexican-American War that had started two years before; and as a part of it, Mexico ceded land in the southwest to the US. The ceded territory became California, but it did not happen right away. In 1849, California sought admission to the Union as a free state. After many debates, the bill to approve California’s application was passed and it turned into the 35th state.

Since then, California proved to be a rich land with vast resources. Around that time, gold was discovered along the American River in Sacramento, this caused one of the largest migrations in the world; in two years, the population grew from 14,000 to 223,000 in what was called “The Gold Rush”. Even when that stage ended, people continued migrating to California and it became a major farming state with plenty of land for growing all sorts of crops.

By the early 1900’s, the industry of movies discovered that California was a great place for filming because it was close to a wide variety of settings like the beach, mountains, and desert. Many major motion pictures companies set up shop in Hollywood, a small town outside Los Angeles, and it soon became the center of the filmmaking industry in the United States.

California is now an icon of style, comfort, and progress; Sani Dental Group celebrates this day because we have attended to a big number of patients from this state, and it has been a lovely experience every time. There’s so much going on with California that we’re sure you don’t know a lot of things about it.

A Few Facts That You May Not Know

  • San Francisco population grew 180 times during the years of Gold Rush.
  • Widely known for Asian food, fortune cookies were actually invented in California.
  • California has become a trillion dollar economy in gross state product. If the state were a country, it would be the eighth-largest economy in the world.
  • Los Angeles itself is ranked as the fourth largest economy in the country compared to other states.
  • Over 80% of the global production of almonds is produced in California.
  • The first motion picture theater opened in Los Angeles on 1902.
  • There are more people living in California than in Canada.
  • One out of every eight US residents lives in California.
  • Over 17 million gallons of wine are produced each year in the state.
  • In San Diego, if you don’t take down your Christmas lights by February 2nd, you could be fined up to 250 dollars.
  • Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1500 feet of schools, churches, or places of worship.
  • Until the 1960’s, long-haired men were not allowed to enter Disneyland.
  • “Ladies’ Night” is against the law in California because it’s considered gender discrimination.

There are so many things we owe to California; beautiful places, amazing artworks, talented people, delicious food, fascinating cities, the sunsets, diversity, weather… we could continue all day long, but the only thing we want is for you to understand how important California is for us and why we’re celebrating. The warmth and affection that Californians have given to us is irreplaceable.

Sani Dental Group has open doors for people from California and the whole world. We want your dental treatment to be an enjoyable experience; that’s why we assist you with your travel and stay. Contact one of our patient coordinators, they’ll give you all the information you need and help so you have nothing to worry about. We’ll take care of your smile, you just worry for having a good time.

We invite you to visit one of our dental clinics in Los Algodones, Mexico; we give you the best service because we care about you. Let us show you what we can do for you, and we can almost assure you that once you visit Los Algodones and receive your dental treatment with us, you’ll be back. Because we’re not offering just oral care, we want to give you a complete experience.