Chewing Gum to Prevent Cavities
Ever since we were young our parents have told us the harms chewing gum can cause. However, how can this soft, cohesive substance be harmful or good you? For years chewing gum has been used to freshen one’s breathe, as a stress relieve, or to overcome food cravings and some of the side effects chewing gum cause, include: an Increase your junk-food intake, trigger TMJ, or damage tooth enamel.
To prevent and reduce these and other side effects, scientist sought to develop a chewing gum that will be beneficial both to our body and dental health.
Chewing Gum? Good or Bad?
Chewing gum, a good or bad habit? For years we have heard that chewing gum can be harmful to your teeth, however in recent years a different opinion has developed. Chewing gum can increase 2 things, the flow of saliva and the risk of developing cavities. Chewing gum increases saliva flow and as we have learned, saliva washes away food and other debris left behind, can neutralize acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and provides disease-fighting substances throughout the mouth. Chewing sugar containing gum, will increase the risk of developing cavities. Many brands have used artificial sweeteners, flavors and/or colors that can attached to the surface of your teeth, weakening tooth enamel and can lead to decay.
Chewing gum is a habit that has been around since ancient times, the Greeks chewed mastiche, ancient Mayans chewed tsiclte and today chewing gum is as popular as ever. In addition, recently gum has gone through a few changes and a new product has been develop, sugar-free gum. In clinical studies chewing sugar-free gum demonstrated to be beneficial for its user, even helping to prevent or reduce of risk tooth decay.
FACT: Chewing sugar-free gum does not replace brushing and flossing
Sugar-gum has demonstrated to be so beneficial that it has gotten ADA seal of approval. When purchasing a pack of gum, we invite you to look for the ADA Seal, as this product has effectively demonstrated through scientific evidence to be effective in the reduction of plaque acids, promoting the re-mineralization of tooth enamel, reducing the risk of cavities and/or reducing the risk of developing gingivitis
Dental Health – Sugar Free Gum
For Sani Dental Group strong teeth are our priority and after investigating the results obtain by the ADA, we can see the beneficial effects chewing sugar-free gum has. If you would like to improve your dental health, we advise you to follow this simple tip, please look for the ADA seal. The ADA Seal is your assurance that this sugar-free gum has met their criteria; in some cases gum companies have added flavor and artificial sweeteners to stimulate saliva flow, neutralize the acids in your mouth, to help keep your teeth clean and even to whiten your teeth.
Reduces Decay-Causing Bacteria
Sugar-gum has demonstrated to have properties that can improve our dental health. If the gum you purchase contains xylitol this is an extra benefit; when xylitol is present bacteria lose their ability to adhere to the tooth, this will stun their progress and reduce the risk of developing cavities. With xylitol, bacteria in the mouth change and through overtime use these can help to re-mineralization tooth enamel.
Sani Dental Group always wants what’s best for you, if you chew gum for its flavor, as a stress reliever, or to overcome food cravings, we understand and respect your personal choice. The recommendation our dental clinic has for you is that the gum you purchase be Sugar Free Gum. This will stimulate saliva flow in your mouth and reduce even prevent tooth decay.
We invite you to share with us the reason(s) why you chew gum and your favorite brands, tell Sani Dental Group how chewing gum has benefitted you.
Disclaimer: Open dentist to help you with your dental needs. We are taking additional special measures following CDC recommendations to ensure your health and safety.