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Earth Day

Can you imagine something that can bring together millions of people from all over the world? No matter their race, social-economic status or political points of views, Earth Day is an international event that for generations has brought people together. For Sani Dental Group, your oral health is our priority, but having a natural environment in which to show-off your smile is also important. We invite you, our beloved reader to take an initiative, ask yourself how am I contributing to having a better cleaner, greener planet and share your story with us.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an annual event that is commemorate on April 22, during this day the world get together to demonstrate their support for environmental protection programs. These incentive programs have contribute in numerous of ways and for many generations, for example some companies have: transportation programs at work that do not use fossil fuels. Many companies held “competitions” in which their employees are encourage to use their bike, take the bus or carpool, or walk to their place of work.

In other cities, business are encourage to sponsor and promote local Earth Day events; any businesses give sustainability initiatives and charity donations. Why do they do this? Simple, these businesses understand the importance of protecting Earth and leaving a greener, cleaner home for future generations.

Earth Day 1970

In 1969 two mayor events occurred, on one hand the world was captive watching Neil Armstrong land on the moon, but 3 months before this spectacular event occur Americans attention was focus somewhere else, they were focus on the massive oil spill that had occurred in Santa Barbara, California. This caused Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, to establish a new program, the idea came to be Earth Day

Inspired by the student’s anti-war movements, Nelson realized that if could infuse the same energy to the public conscious regarding air and water pollution, this would force the national political agenda, to create new laws and programs that would protect the environment. Senator Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media and recruited Denis Hayes as national coordinator. The idea was accepted and with the help of Denis Hayes on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans got together and took the streets, for a peaceful demonstrations in favor of environmental reforms.

Earth Day 1990

On its 20th anniversary, Earth Day had become an internationally recognized event; in the 1990 the environmental issues had taken a world stage and had mobilized 200 million people in 141 countries. A key activity that was promoted in 1990 was the boost to worldwide recycling efforts and helped to organized the topics that would be discuss in the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thanks to stronger and more update marketing tools, greater access to television and radio, among other tools, more people became aware of the environmental problems that were affecting us.

FACT: In 1990, Warner Bros. Records released an Earth Day-themed single entitled "Tomorrow's World", written by Kix Brooks and Pam Tillis.

Earth Day 2000

For its 30th anniversary Earth Day international audiences were able to see a combination of the big-picture festivities that were used on the first Earth Day and the international grassroots activism of Earth Day 1990. The 2000 was the first year that Earth Day used the internet as its principal organizing tool, the internet proved to be both an invaluable national and international resource. The international event ultimately enlisted more than 5,000 environmental groups outside the United States and reached hundreds of millions of people in a record 183 countries. In addition, Earth Day 2000 sent world leaders the loud and clear message that citizens around the world wanted a quick and decisive action on clean energy.

Achievements Accomplish by Earth Day

45 years have pass since the first Earth Day and there is still a lot of work to do, but there have been several achievements that have been accomplished by past activists'. Here are 14 Major Environmental Accomplishments:

  • 1970: The Environmental Protection Agency is Founded
  • 1971: Amtrak Founded
  • 1972: The EPA Bans DDT Pesticide
  • 1974: Congress Passes the Safe Drinking Water Act
  • 1974: First Emissions and Efficiency Rules for Vehicles
  • 1977: The EPA Starts Phasing Out Toxic PCBs
  • 1977: First Plants Added to Endangered Species List
  • 1978: Congress Bans CFCs in Aerosol Sprays
  • 1980: Superfund Program Created to Clean Up Toxic Sites
  • 1984: 8.6 Million Acres of Wilderness Protected
  • 1988: Ocean Dumping of Sewage Sludge & Industrial Waste Banned
  • 1990: EPA Establishes Toxic Release Inventory
  • 1992: The Energy Star Program is Launched
  • 2008: EPA Releases a List of ‘Eco-Fugitives’

Dear reader, for 2015 Earth Day we invite you to leave a mark, ever since the very first Earth Day; generations have left their mark in one way or another and even thought it has gone through several changes, their priorities are the same, make us aware of our Environment and Nature. Through Earth Day many were made aware of the environmental problems occurring in their surroundings, also the event has organized several activities that have educated young children through many generations. In short, Earth Day is an international event in which everyone should participate.

Sani Dental Group invites you to participate in the environmental campaigns that are held every year. The possibilities to get involved are endless, we invite you to share your story with our dental clinic and let us know, how you are leaving your mark. Let Sani Dental Group know how your efforts have contribute to a greener, cleaner tomorrow.