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10 Tips for Your Next Mexican Dental Vacation

High season in Los Algodones it´s about to begin, this means that it´s time to start planning your dental vacation. Today, we would like to share some useful tips that every traveler will find extremely necessary, especially if this is their first time traveling to sunny Mexico. Before starting, we would like to give you some extra (an...


Geographic Tongue: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

While brushing your teeth, have you ever stopped to look at your tongue? How does it look? Many people have heard about Geographic Tongue and wonder if they suffer from it. Today we´ll tell you what is this condition about and how to treat it. What is Geographic Tongue? Geographic tongue is an inflammatory condition that affects the surface...

A New Step for Sani Dental Group

For more than 30 years, Sani Dental Group has been working everyday to give their patients the dental services they deserve. Now, with two clinics in town and with 28 chairs available, we´re the largest dental clinic in the area. Thanks to Sani Dental Group’s decades of expertise, specialized staff and certified doctors around 9,000 pa...


5 Habits That Cause Crooked Teeth

Have you ever looked at someone and noticed that their smile is perfect just for the fact that their teeth are perfectly aligned? People with crooked teeth tend to compare their smiles to other people´s, and it´s ok. Who wouldn´t want a perfect smile, right? The truth is, that having crooked teeth is actually more common than not...


Crown Lengthening: Procedure and Healing

Smiling is one of the most beautiful features in all of us. Sadly, some people don’t like their smile because of their crooked teeth, stained tooth, or gummy smile. Any of these or other dental problems have a solution, especially if you know where to get the right dental treatment. A gummy smile, for example, happens when the upper teeth ar...


Apicoectomy Procedure: A Root End Surgery

There’s a common belief that a cracked tooth it’s something simple and nothing to worry about. In some cases, it may be but in many others, it’s better to visit your dentist of trust. If recently you or a loved one suffered from any trauma to the mouth that caused a fracture to a natural tooth, bleeding, or lacerations to the gum...


5 Things You Need to Know Before Traveling to Los Algodones in 2023

Planning a vacation requires more than just buying a plane ticket, especially if you’re traveling for medical purposes. Every day, people from Canada and the United States start planning their trips to destinations worldwide that offer high-quality dental services at prices they can afford. Molar City is located 7 miles away from Yuma, Arizo...


The Use of PRP in Dental Surgery

All patients that undergo a dental surgery need patience and enough time to recover from their dental surgeries, and sometimes they wonder if there’s something they can do to speed the recovery process. Nowadays, PRP Therapy is used as a new alternative with beneficial outcomes to oral surgery patients, reducing bleeding and enhancing soft ti...


How Much Money Should I Spend On My Dental Trip?

When making the decision to travel to another country in order to get medical or dental services, people always wonder if it’s really the best way to save money without risking themselves to end up in a poor quality dental clinic. In the following paragraphs, we’d like to explain why Mexico is one of your best options to receive dental...


Wisdom Teeth Removal in Mexico: Procedure, Price & Post-Treatment Care

Many of us grew up believing that wisdom tooth extraction was the worst thing that could happen at a dentist’s office, and that idea might come from listening to other people’s terrible experiences in which an unqualified doctor performed the surgery. Let us explain to you a little more about why this surgery it’s necessary and t...


7 Things You Need to Know About Dentists at Molar City

When starting a plan to travel outside of your country of residence, in order to get dental work done, it’s very important to trust the place where you’re going and the people who are going to perform a dental procedure on you. Molar City is known to be the capital of dental tourism because of the high-quality services that more than 3...


10 Reasons to Get Dental Work in Los Algodones

Getting dental work outside of your country of residence can be a little overwhelming sometimes, especially if you don’t know where to go. We’re sure you’ve heard of Los Algodones, Mexico also known as Molar City, the capital of dental tourism. But you might not know why it is the best place to get dental work done, right? We inv...

20 Facts About Sani Dental Group

If you've been wondering why Sani Dental Group should be your clinic of choice for your next dental vacation, in the following paragraphs we will give you 20 reasons you should consider at the moment of making a decision. We invite you to check them out!  1. Certified Clinics Sani Dental Group is a proud member of different organizations, wh...

Advantages of Getting Dental Work in Mexico

The term medical tourism has gained popularity through the years since more and more people started saving money when traveling to receive high-quality medical or dental services outside their country of residence. There are a lot of reasons why these people rather take a flight than go to a local doctor or dentist, and these reasons are mainly the...


What You Need To Know About Snap-On Dentures

Are you tired of dentures?  As we know, dentures can come loose with simple actions as laughing, coughing, or sneezing, and after a few times it stops being funny, and people start looking for a change that will don’t put them in an embarrassing position. Having a beautiful smile must be a priority for everybody, but what are the...


Do I need a Visa or Passport to Travel to Mexico?

When planning a trip to a new destination, there are a lot of questions that pop into our minds. For example, how much money do I need? Are there any good hotels in town? And most importantly, do I need a visa to enter the country I’m visiting soon? Don’t worry, when choosing Los Algodones as your dental spot of choice we’d like y...


How to Book the Perfect Dental Tour?

If you’ve decided to book a visit to “Molar City” it’s because you’re looking to improve your smile. You might have heard that Los Algodones is a town devoted to its visitors, we always want people to have the best time during their stay in town. You will not only be going back home with a healthy smile but with a new...


Snowbirds Welcome Party 2017

Los Algodones, Mexico is a town worldwide known as the Capital of Dental Tourism; thousands of people from the United States and Canada visit this place looking for affordable and high-quality dental treatments. If it weren’t for them, Los Algodones wouldn’t be what it is today. That’s one of the reasons why a lot of parties and c...


How to Treat Sensitive Teeth

Having sensitive teeth is not something to take lightly, especially if the right precautions are not being taken. Something as easy as drinking coffee or a fresh beverage can become the worst nightmare, until the point we can be afraid of doing these daily activities. If you’ve felt your teeth hurt before or are currently dealing with this,...


Advantages of PRP and Ozone Therapy on Dentistry

All patients that undergo dental surgery need time to recover. This process depends on the type of treatments they receive and if they follow their dentist's post-surgery care instructions. Even though the final results will be great, the recovery time can be a little overwhelming and during this, patients sometimes wonder if there’s anythin...