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Geographic Tongue: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

While brushing your teeth, have you ever stopped to look at your tongue? How does it look? Many people have heard about Geographic Tongue and wonder if they suffer from it. Today we´ll tell you what is this condition about and how to treat it.

What is Geographic Tongue?

Geographic tongue is an inflammatory condition that affects the surface of the human tongue. Although it looks painful, it’s totally harmless. But it can cause tongue discomfort and increased sensitivity to certain substances, such as spices, salt, and even sweets.

When someone suffers from this condition, the surface and sides of the tongue will look smooth, with a reddish color and often with slightly raised borders, like a map-like appearance.
In some cases, the condition is not only located in the tongue, but also in different areas of the mouth.

Do I Suffer from Geographic Tongue?

Many people with geographic tongue have no symptoms, but when they do some of these may include:

  • Red irregularly shaped patches on the top or side of the tongue
  • Frequent changes in the location, size, and shape of lesions
  • Discomfort, pain, or burning sensation when eating spicy or acidic foods

If you have experienced some of these symptoms and are wondering whether you have Geographic Tongue or not, we advise you to schedule an appointment with your dentist of trust.

Seeing your dentist is the best way to obtain a proper diagnostic, in most cases, they will be able to determine if you have a geographic tongue by your description of the symptoms and from examining your mouth and tongue.

Treatment for Geographic Tongue

This condition can continue for days, months, or years, and it often resolves on its own but that does not mean it’s gone forever, there´s always a chance it can come back.
If you have persistent pain or discomfort don´t forget to tell your dentist, he or she may prescribe the following:

  • Pain relievers
  • Mouth rinses with anesthetics
  • A Nutritional Plan
  • Anti-Inflammatories
  • Avoid Tobacco

Causes of Geographic Tongue

It occurs when parts of the tongue are missing layers of small bumps called papillae. They normally cover the entire upper layer of your tongue. Why do you lose these papillae with geographic tongue? Nobody knows for sure. However, because the geographic tongue tends to run in families, genetics may be a common link.

Los Algodones, Mexico

Los Algodones is a small border town in Baja California, Mexico. Its located 7 miles from Yuma, Arizona, and its popularity has increased in the last decades' thanks to its offer in dental and medical treatments. 

When looking for affordable and high-quality dental treatments, people have found that Los Algodones is the right place to go. With more than 300 dental clinics, this place is known as Molar City, due to its big offer on dental clinics. 

Sani Dental Group is a dental facility located in the heart of town, and it was recently named the Number One clinic in Los Algodones according to the GCR - Global Clinic Rating.

With two open clinics and more than 35 chairs available for patients, it’s also the largest dental clinic in the area. Sani Dental Group has more than three decades of experience in the dental and tourism field, a full team of certified doctors, specialists, and a staff of professionals ready to assist you during your visit.

We invite you to check out our past patient´s reviews or check our price list. Make the comparison yourself, you´ll realize you can save up to 70% on dental treatments compared to the U.S and Canada prices. Give us a call today! The smile of your dream is closer than you may think!