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Questions to Ask Before Becoming a Medical Tourist

Deciding to travel to another country to get medical treatments is a big decision. Although it has a lot of advantages, medical tourism also has many factors that you need to consider. The success of your travel depends on how prepared you are to everything that getting treatments in another country means. So if you've decided to become a medical t...


Going to the Dentist in Mexico - What You Need to Know

While Dental Tourism has become a very popular practice around the world, there are certain concerns from people considering to travel. One of the most recurring doubts is how it will be to visit another country just for the purpose of getting dental work. This concern increases when people haven't ever got out from their origin country. We underst...

How to Plan Your Ideal Dental Vacation

Dental tourism isn't only an opportunity to get a brand new smile, but the chance to have a wonderful time. Once you've decided to travel to get dental treatments, the least you can do is to enjoy your trip; to have a dental vacation. Anyway, if you are a Dental Tourist, there are things you need to know before hitting the road or boarding a plane....

What to Do About a "Gummy" Smile

Your smile says a lot about you. That's why people seek for cosmetic dental treatments; because they want to have an appealing smile. Yet, many people are not aware that several conditions they believe incorrigible have a solution. One of those conditions (and one of the most common) is the gummy smile. Fortunately, there are different options to t...


Why You Should Trust in Los Algodones' Dentists

When you're looking for dental treatments at an affordable price, you'll probably find Los Algodones. Known as the capital of Dental Tourism in the world, this little Mexican town has nowadays become widely popular. This is because in Los Algodones you can find hundreds of dental clinics where you can save up to 70% on dental work. Even so, there...


Dental Work in Mexico - Myths and Facts

Mexico has become one of the main destinations to get dental treatments. Thousands of people come here every day looking for high-quality dental work at an affordable price. Yet, there are a lot of rumors about Mexico's dentists and their practices. Even when a lot of those rumors are myths, many people believe them, which makes them doubtful abou...


How Porcelain Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

Porcelain veneers are the thin pieces of porcelain designed to fit over the front surface of teeth. The goal of veneers is to improve the color, shape, and position of teeth to give them a better appearance. These have become a popular option to restore teeth because of their natural appearance that resembles the tooth enamel. There are a lot of re...

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implant Surgery

Every day, the number of people who are coming to Mexico to get dental implants increases. This procedure has proven to be one of the most effective ways to recover lost teeth. Yet, there are also a lot of people who are afraid of the dental implant surgery because they don't know all the information about it. You deserve to have the smile you want...


4 Reasons to Choose Cosmetic Dentistry in Mexico

When we talk about cosmetic dentistry, we refer to any dental work used to improve the appearance of the teeth. It may be from small procedures such as whitening or cleanings to more extensive treatments to replace teeth. This practice is nowadays widely popular because of the importance that a good set of teeth has for a person's appearance. In s...

Dental Bridge or Implants - Which One Is the Best for You

If you have lost one or more teeth, it's probable that you want to fill that gap in your smile. There's no doubt about it, everyone prefers to have a mouth full of strong teeth. The question that becomes present when you're in this situation is: "what dental treatment should I choose?" To help you with this, here we share with you everything you ne...

Your Best Option to Get Affordable Dental Care

For many people, thinking about dental care equals thinking about spending a lot of money. In many cases, these people can even avoid getting dental work because they don't have money enough to afford it. This is a serious subject because not treated dental diseases can lead to affectations on your overall health. If you want to have a healthy body...


All-On-4 in Mexico - What You Need to Know

It's estimated that more than 10% of people older than 50 years old has no remaining teeth. The reasons why these people lose their teeth are plenty, and they have several options to recover their smile, but there are not options as effective as the All-On-4. This treatment is one of the most recurrent between people who have suffered tooth loss, a...


How to Save on Dental Work

Everyone is always looking for spending the less possible, but that doesn't mean compromising quality. When looking for dental work, you need to be sure that you're receiving high-quality treatments that don't put your dental health in danger. Yet, there are a few tips that can help you to save a lot. To have the smile you deserve at an affordable...


How to Prevent Cavities

When we talk about cavities we refer to the holes in your teeth that result from tooth decay. If you don't treat tooth decay, it may lead to the weakening and destruction of the enamel of your teeth, forming a cavity. The main problem with cavities is that they are a permanent damage, so the only way to fix it is getting dental work done. You can p...

Medical Tourism - Everything You Need to Know

You've probably heard of medical tourism before. This practice has become popular thanks to all the benefits it represents for people who need medical treatments. Nowadays, there are towns and cities all over the world which are specialized in providing medical tourism services to their visitors. There can be several types of medical tourism, from...


The Many Advantages of Getting Dental Treatments in Mexico

For those who are not familiarized with medical tourism, the idea of going to a foreign country to get dental treatments may seem crazy. On the other hand, Mexico receives thousands of people daily who come here to get high-quality treatments at an affordable price. For example, around 3,000 people visit Los Algodones every day. That's because thes...

The Best Place to Get Inexpensive Dental Work

In most cases, having a dental suffering may mean a big problem for a person. Getting dental work can be expensive, so maybe you could think that is better if you don't get it. Thinking that the pain will go away is not the solution for your dental diseases, you need to treat them. If you don't receive the dental work that you need, diseases in you...

How to Floss Correctly

You've heard and read a lot of times that you need to floss to have a good dental hygiene. That is true, but what you don't hear often enough is how to floss correctly. Proper flossing can help you to remove plaque and food particles that can lead to several problems. If you don't floss the right way, plaque buildup can cause tooth decay and gum di...


Dental Implants in Mexico -Your Best Option

If you suffer from missing teeth, you have several options to replace them, but few of them are as effective as dental implants. They are metal posts that are surgically positioned to replace tooth roots. These implants allow your dentist to put fixed or teeth to replace your natural missing teeth. You can get this dental treatment in any place,...


Dental Tourism Travel Tips

If you're about to travel, you need to make it right. Traveling can be a challenge for some people, particularly if they're doing the travel to get medical treatments. In addition to everything that a regular trip requires, Medical Tourists need to keep track of their appointments, medications, recovery time, etc. It can be a non-so-pleas...