Patient Review
tamm Koonce
Henderson Texas, United States
I traveled from Texas by myself to the clinic in Los Algodones. My appointment was at 9:00 a.m. and they were on time. I had a panoramic x-ray and we were off to a great start. The first provider reviewed my films and gave me his recommendations. We discussed the plan of care and once decided, is was back in the waiting area waiting on my dentist. I want to tell you that the waiting area was cleaner that I have ever seen a clinic here in the states. When I left the clinic the first day, I had temporary crowns. I stayed at one of their hotels which was wonderful. The treatment that I was received was 27 crowns with one bridge. I arrived in Yuma late Tuesday and I was able to fly out on Saturday. Talk about service I could not have asked for a better experience. The cost was 1/4 the price. I would recommend this clinic. Amazing service.