Last week, some of our laboratory staff members attended an advanced refresher course on monolithic zirconia dental restoration structures.
The course, which took place in our laboratory facilities, was imparted by Straumann. The attendees were our Clinical Director D.D.S. Javier Muñiz Pérez, Laboratory Manager Israel Palma Huerta, and dental technicians Luis Marquez Caldera and Juan Lozano Valenciana.
During the course, the attendees made monolithic zirconia structures using technology like the design station Straumann Cares 7 Series Scanner, which allows accurate and high-quality scanning with the use of their latest Blue Laser illumination system.
For milling and grinding the new Straumann CARES M Series was used; this system allows the production of an extensive range of restorations with a wide range of materials.
Monolithic restoration in the dentistry field refers to those manufactured from a single material to make a replacement for a lost tooth.
Monolithic zirconia structures can be manufactured only by CAD/CAM technology; CAD/CAM stands for Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing. One of the most important advantages of monolithic zirconia restorations is that there are fewer possibilities of porcelain fracture.
We want to congratulate our laboratory team for being part of and completing this course.
We believe that taking refresher courses and updating their skills is an integral part of our team's professional development, as it not only allows them to grow professionally but also helps us continue to provide the best service to our patients.
If you’d like to schedule an appointment with the best dental team you can contact us at (928) 257 1307 or book your visit online.