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Continuous Education

  • Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. University of Medical Sciences of La Habana, Cuba. 2001
  • Course of Surgical Oncology in Head and Neck. National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of La Habana, Cuba. 2002
  • Course of Oral Implantology. Dental School of La Habana, Cuba. 2003
  • Master of Science in Dental Emergency. University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río, Cuba. 2008
  • Course: Recovery on Prosthesics Mouth-Maxillofacial with Osseointegrated Implants, in Hospital CIMEQ in La Habana, Cuba. 2010
  • International Course of Bone Regeneration in Implantology in Matanzas, Cuba. 2006
  • International Course of Advanced Implantology in Latinoamerican Center of Medical Events. Hospital CIMEQ in La Habana, Cuba. 2007
  • Course-Workshop: Face Recovery with Bone Anchored Implant. CIMEQ Hospital. La Habana, Cuba. 2009
  • International Course: Italian Academy of Implant-Prosthesic about the Implant Systems Update. National Center of Stomatology (CENAEST). La Habana, Cuba. 2009
  • Basic and Advanced Oral Implantology. University of Medical Sciences in Matanzas, Cuba. 2012
  • Course-Workshop: Theorical and Practical about Ozone Therapy and Ozoneforesis, Clinic and Aesthetic. Los Algodones, Mexicali, BC. Mexico. 2017
  • Course-Workshop: Theorical and Practical about the Application Clinic and Cosmetic of Patelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). Los Algodones, Mexicali, BC. 2017
  • Course-Workshop: Theorical and Practical about Zygomatic Implants, in UNAM, Mexico City. 2017
  • Member of International Team of Implantology (ITI)
  • Member of the Mexican Association of Oral Implantology “Asociación Mexicana de Implantología Bucal”
  • International Symposium of Maxillofacial Surgery in Convention Center Plaza America, Varadero in Matanzas, Cuba. 2004
  • Tenth International Encounter of Latinoamerican Society of Recovery on Prosthesics Mouth-Maxillofacial. Hospital CIMEQ, in LaHabana, Cuba. 2010
  • International Symposium of Implantology in Latinoamerican Center of Medical Events. Hospital CIMEQ in La Habana, Cuba. 2007
  • International Symposium of Dentistry for the 115 Anniversary of the Foundation of University School of Odontology of the University of La Habana. Palacio de las Convenciones. La Habana, Cuba. 2015
  • Speaker in the Conference of the Uses of Biomaterials in Implantology. Autonomus University of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico. 2016
  • International Course of Zygomatic Implants in UNAM Mexico City. 2017
  • International Symposium of Implantology. Straumann, Cancun, Mexico.2018
  • Member of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Baja California
  • Cerfificate by Mexican Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2018
  • Member of Latin American Group on Research and Clinical Applications of Biomaterials. University of La Habana. May 2019.
  • Course of "All about COVID-19 prevention" in Mexico City, 2020
  • Active Member of the AOCMF (Clinical Cranio Maxillofacial Division of the AO Foundation) , 2021
  • Straumann Symposium "E-Symposium Straumann Blx" in Mexico City, 2021.
  • Workshop course "Occlusal rehabilitation, implant-assisted solutions" Nobel Biocare in Mexico, 2021
  • Active member of the Mexican Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AMCBM). 2021
  • IV Symposium MIS Implants online "The new implantology experience" at the Faculty of Dentistry UNAM and MIS implants in Mexico.
  • First National and International Virtual Seminar of the WFBMA/College in Mexico, 2020.
  • Straumann E-Symposium LATAM "changing paradigms: immediacy at the next level" in Portugal, 2020.
  • Second National and International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery "For my race, the spirit will speak", UNAM, Mexico, 2020.
  • International Virtual Congress " From Face to Airway" UVA Institute, Monterrey, Mexico, 2020
  • Complex third molar exodontics seminar. Applied anatomy and surgical technique. College of Odontologists, CMF. Venezuela 2020
  • First International Virtual Congress of the Maxillofacial Surgery Postgraduate Course FOUCE. University of Ecuador 2020

After being visited by the Medical Tourism Association staff In 2013 Sani Dental Group was honored with the IPSC "International Patient Services Certification" by the MTA. Our clinic takes great pride on being the first and only Dental Clinic in Mexico with this certification, once again we put ourselved appart being the best option for international patients.

Sani Dental Group is a proud member of the American Dental Association (ADA). We were one of the first dental clinics in Los Algodones to become members of this association.

Sani's International Credentials and Certified Dentists in our group