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5 Tips To Make Your Veneers Last a Long Time

Anybody can go through situations that compromise the well-being of our oral health and overall teeth condition. We use our teeth for more than what we are aware of and, if not taken care of properly, it could complicate pre-existing issues or be the cause of new ones.

If you’ve experienced damage to any of your teeth throughout the test of time, you might’ve considered having aesthetic treatments done at some point. Depending on the state of your teeth and your oral health as a whole, aesthetic treatments may vary. Veneers are the solution for teeth that do not show signs of severe damage.

In this article, we’ll give you a brief explanation of what the veneers process is, how they can help you, how long do veneers last, and what they are used for in dentistry. Keep in mind that we also have other articles such as (article 1) to help you in your veneer procedure research.


What veneers can do for you

What are veneers?

Veneers are a shell-like cover that is attached to the front of a tooth; they’re used to improve upon the appearance of a chipped or damaged tooth. They can also be considered as a viable treatment for patients who experience severe tooth discoloring.

Veneers can be made out of different materials such as porcelain or composite resin. Due to the nature of this procedure, local anesthesia might be needed in order to reduce discomfort and prevent pain. It’s also important to note that veneers are quite resistant and can last you a long time if they’re taken care of properly.


How to take care of your veneers

Reduce your consumption of sugar and sweets

This is a great tip that can work to protect both your veneers and your natural teeth. Sugar, if taken in large quantities, tends to corrode teeth, as well as produce plaque that can eventually wear your veneers out.

Plaque is a sticky substance made up of two types of bacteria that can build up on your teeth. If plaque is not dealt with at its early stages, it’s pretty likely that it’ll start eating your veneers away and cause different problems in your gums and mouth in general.

Also, sticky and/or hard food can end up damaging your veneers; they can crack, they can loosen up, etc. We’d recommend you refrain com eating foods that have high quantities of sugar in them.

Brush and floss your teeth properly

Veneers require proper cleaning and care just like your natural teeth, Good oral hygiene can be of great help in the prevention of severe oral health issues, and can also elongate the life span of both your teeth and veneers.

Brushing your teeth thoroughly and for long periods of time is a great way to stop plaque and other bacteria from forming on your teeth, but flossing is just as vital. Dental floss reaches certain places where the toothbrush can’t get to, and we recommend you to do it daily at least once. This can also prevent plaque from reaching the gum and eventually cause other complications.

Cut back the smoking

 We’ve talked before about how tobacco can damage your teeth; smoking can lead to your teeth getting stained and decaying, severe gum diseases that could take longer to heal due to smoking, etc.

Chewing tobacco and smoking can damage and stain the composite that holds your veneers and teeth together, or could also lead to your veneers process failing in general. It’s advisable to stay away from tobacco in all of its forms; however, if that is not possible, reduce your overall consumption of it.   

High-risk activities

Something that people tend to do a lot is use their teeth to open cans, packages, tear things apart, and give them great mistreatment in ways that they shouldn’t be doing. Using your teeth as if they were a heavy-duty instrument can lead to them chipping and breaking, and your veneers are no exception.

Also, you have to take into consideration that if you practice any forms of extreme sports or highly-demanding activities you might be exposed to a higher risk of damaging your veneers. For these types of activities, using special protection is highly encouraged. A mouth guard could be the best option to prevent any injuries and damage from happening to your veneers.

Turn periodical dentist visits into a habit

There’s no better way to check up on your veneers’ state than having a dentist do that for you. Making periodical dentist visits a regular thing to do will have an everlasting good effect on your ways to take care of your veneers and could help you correct certain issues before they happen.

If you notice anything with your veneers that you could consider to be an abnormality, don’t think about it twice and get in contact with your doctor. Letting it be could worsen the whole situation and turn that little inconvenience into a huge problem.


Veneers in Mexico

How much are veneers in Mexico?

We understand that the cost of dental care is usually pretty elevated in the US. However, when compared to the prices here in Mexico, there’s a big difference. One of the reasons why that is can be attributed to the cost of materials, tools, and other important parts of a dental procedure are cheaper here in Mexico. 

The average cost of a single veneer in the United States can range between $925 to $2500 USD. Here, in Sani Dental Group, porcelain veneers cost $350 USD (starting price). We offer high-quality treatments and results at low prices in Los Algodones, Playa del Carmen, and, soon, in Cancun.

You can get more information about costs and how veneers work by watching this video!

How can I schedule my appointment with you?

Scheduling an appointment with us is easy! You can call (928) 257-1307 or fill out a simple form and you’ll be on your way to starting your journey for a new, bright smile! We have a team of patient coordinators ready to answer all of your questions and give you all the information you need regarding your appointment.