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The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

The 18th century had many significant events, events that changed the course of history. In some areas of the world, political figures rise to power, while others areas, characters who would revolutionize our ways of thinking. Sports were becoming more and more popular and through the creating of new inventions, our lives were being simplified.

18th Century Events

One of the figures that rise to power during this era was Napoleon Bonaparte. From 1803 – 1815 during the Napoleonic Wars, the French Empire, led by Napoleon, went against an array of European powers. The Napoleonic Wars revolutionized European armies and overall change war strategies and tactics.

While this happens in France, in the United States the House of Representatives elects Thomas Jefferson as the nation 3rd President. If we recall it was Jefferson’s who wrote the Declaration of Independence, the famous document that frees the US from Britain.

Forwarding a few decades, in the 1850s The Great Exhibition open. On May 01, 1851 Queen Victoria opens the Great Exhibition in The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London. Through this exhibit thousands were able to see culture and inventions that would change the future.

In addition, to the rise of inventions and inventors in 1870 the United State saw the Rise of the Major Leagues. For than 100 years Baseball had been played by amateurs, but it wasn’t until 1860 that the sport had growth in popularity and formal clubs were formed. Thanks to its growing popularity and the setting of “universal” rules.

Through the National League, these “new” baseball rules established the size, shape and construction of the ball, the equipment that players are allowed to use and overall attempt to eliminate foul play. With the end of the 18th century and the coming of the new century; another event occurs in Baseball, The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.

The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

In 1939, the owner of a local hotel Stephen Carlton Clark founded the Hall of Fame for Baseball. The 1930 Great Depression severely affected the USA and reduce tourism visits, trade overall it devastated the local economy. The Hall of Fame was dedicated on June 12, 1939.

The Hall of Fame soon became a museum of American baseball history in the United States and other places of the world. Through the displays and exhibits, visitors can see the evolution of baseball-related artifacts and the hall of fame honors the significant characters who have excelled in playing, managing or serving the sport.

It is every fan “Field of Dreams”, thanks to its reach history, stories, legends, and magic. The magic that has reached thousands, generations of visitors have come to New York and receive part of the magic that the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum offers.

Without a doubt, the Hall has followed their motto: "Preserving History, Honoring Excellence, Connecting Generations."

Sani Dental Group invites all our readers and visitor to be part of the magic, if within your possibilities, visit one of the country's most popular and best-known destinations. All baseball fans should come to the greatest baseball sports shrine of the world.