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Strong Healthy Heart

Summer is here and Sani Dental Group wants you to enjoy every second of it; whether you are visiting your love ones or simply resting, we want you to have a strong healthy heart this summer and the rest of your life. To protect your heart, Sani would like to offer you a few tips that will help you have a Strong Healthy Heart.

Stay Active!

In order to have a strong healthy heart, you must stay active. During the summer many spend their days at the pool, at family picnics, or outdoor activities like baseball, basketball and among others. With this in mind, we invite you to try these steps to keep your heart healthy:

Avoid Burns – Use Sunblock:
Protect your heart and family, the sun is very strong and can burn your body, to avoid sun burns apply a water-resistant sunscreen with at least SPF 20, also avoid doing activities between noon and 3 p.m. this is when the sun is at its strongest.

Dress Appropriately:
We advise you to wear light colored, light weight clothes; the sun is very strong during the summer, but if you choose the correct color and fabrics the summer sun will not be a problem for you.

Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water while exercising; exercise is important to keep a healthy heart, but dehydration can lead to numerous of health problems. Avoid dehydration by drinking water or add flavor to that low-calorie drink by adding slices of your favorite fruits (berries, cucumber, melon or oranges) to a pitcher of water and refrigerate for two hours.

Stay Indoors:
When the heat is at its strongest, head indoors try your local YMCA or REC Centers. Stay active and safe this season a strong healthy heart is possible through a little bit of activity.

Healthy Summer Cookouts

Warm climate involves more visits to the grill and having more outdoor cookouts. Here, are a few recommendations that will help you have delicious, healthier cookouts that will give you a healthy heart.

Baked Fries:
Slice a few potatoes into your favorite shape, lightly spray olive oil and your favorite spices; add the fries onto a cookie sheet for 40 minutes at 375?, afterwards enjoy!

Fish offers you many nutritional benefits, like: omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, fish offers you the following benefits:

  • Boost Brain Development
  • Improve the Health of Skin and Hair
  • Prevent Heart Disease
  • Reduce Depression
  • Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s

To prepare the fish rub lemon juicy and a few spices for the appropriate flavor.

Green Kabobs:
Take out the brochettes and filled them up with cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, yellow squash, zucchini or other veggies. Spray olive oil into the brochettes and grill to perfection. These will keep your heart healthy and your stomach happy.

Healthy Burgers:
When grilling a burger, Sani advice you to buy lean or extra lean beef, remember to drain of all the excess fat from your burger – this will make slim and not a huge patty. Add a few vegetables and you have just made a delicious, healthy and lean burger.

Summer Snacks!

After the exercise and the cookout it’s time to relax, our heart now needs a few minutes of rest in order to stay strong and healthy. There is no better way to enhance the experience that with the proper summer snack. Here are a few ideas:

Fruit Smoothies:
Add your favorite fruits to the blender, pour a little of yogurt and ice for a refreshing drink/freeze and eat it with a spoon. This drink will keep you refresh while you take a few minutes to rest.

Homemade Fruit Pops:
It’s really easy to make homemade fruit pops, either for the ones or the young at heart. All you need to do is, smash up some berries, grapes, peaches, or watermelon and put it an in paper cups, add a popsicle stick, freeze it and enjoy!

Nature’s Snack:
The natural is usually the best way, this summer keep a variety of veggies close by. Keep things like: baby carrots, celery sticks, and cucumber slices; all these snacks are excellent natural options, all of them good for our heart.

There are many things one can do this summer and every other day that will help you have a strong healthy heart. Everything from staying active, to slicing and serving fresh fruits, to family cookouts, resting with our favorite snacks; for Sani Dental Group your oral health is our primary concern, however we know that there are other areas we need to look out for. Through our blog and newsletter, we have help many patients and readers to take care of their oral needs, learn about cultural topics among other benefits. We invite you to read and subscribe to our, learn new ways to take care of your teeth, improve your image and be part of the Sani Dental Group Experience.