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Steps Towards a Healthy Life

Summer is here and vacation season has started! Many have read our past post regarding dental health, strong teeth, healthy backs and much more. Unfortunately, during the summer months many instinctively adopt a lazier, more relax attitude. The problem, with this more relax attitude many forget to take steps toward a healthy life style; with this in mind, Sani Dental Group will like to offer you a few simple steps that all of us should take towards a healthy life.

Steps Towards a Healthy Life

To get started, Sani Dental Group will like to offer you 7 steps you can take, towards a healthier life; these simple steps will offer you a health boost in fields such as diet, fitness, oral health, stress, sleeping habits vision and much, much more.

Add Berries to your Diet

Berries are full of antioxidants and these antioxidants will help you stay healthy this summer and the rest of the year; consuming berries will help you to prevent damages in tissue and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses. If you want to improve your diet add a cup of mixed fresh berries every day.

FACT: Berries are also rich in fiber, this will keep your cholesterol low and may even help to prevent some cancers.

Floss Daily

We know you have heard this many times, especially if you follow our blogs, but our dentists cannot emphasis this enough, floss every single day. The fact you are in vacation shouldn’t be a reason to stop this habit, whether you are at the beach, reading outdoors, or resting; take a few minutes and floss. Keep in mind that flossing will reduce oral bacteria and improve your bodies overall health, previously in our post: 7 Dental Tips, Sani offered our readers’ simple steps that will help them have this habit.

Go Green and Stress Free

To stay stress free this summer, why not plant a small garden? Putting your hands in soil is relaxing; whether it’s a few small flower pots or an outdoor space, planting the seed, preparing the soil and seeing the plant sprout will keep you mentally grounded. As your feet and hands feel the soil, you will also feel the planets life move inside of you, relieving physical and mental stress.

Have a Good Night’s Rest

During the summer many forget to the importance of sleeping well. Sani encourages you to resist the urge of staying up late, this can affect your sleep schedule and your health. At all times, it’s important to keep the same bedtime and wake-up schedule, also avoid naps during the day unless you take them every day at the same time; remember it’s important to pay attention to your sleep schedule.

Head Outdoors and Play

This summer vacation, pick an outdoor activity and invite your family and friends – go on cycling, on hikes, nature walks, playing baseball, roller blading, playing soccer, swimming, or playing tennis – all these are a few options you can do with your family and friends. Remember, the family that plays together, gets fit together and creates a bond together.

Protect your Eyes

Your eyes are an exceptional organ, one that cannot be replace, every time you work or play, wear the appropriate protective eyewear.
Remember, proper eye protection can help to prevent cataracts, and even wrinkles around the eyes. When outdoors, wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays, and when playing sports investigate which is the correct protective eyewear.

Time to Rest

This summer clear your schedule and rest, go on vacation to a beach, a national park or visiting families in a different city/state. Going on vacations offers you multiple benefits, these include: help to lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones. If you would like to have a strong healthy heart this summer and throughout the rest of the year, go on vacation!

We invite you to read, share and follows these simple steps toward a healthy life, doing so will boost your health this summer and the rest of your life. For more easy and fun tips we invite you to read out blog page, and for more exclusive content subscribe to our newsletter, in it you will find special promotions not feature anywhere else. As always thank you for your support on behave of Sani Dental Group.