Prevent an Attack!
What is the most important organ in our bodies? Some will say the most important organ is the lungs, others the brain and other the heart. These indeed are all very important organs and because they are so important we need to know how to take care of them. For this week tip, Sani Dental Group will provide you 10 tips to prevent an attack.
The Human Heart!
The human heart is a muscle about the size of your fist; this organ is responsible for the circulation of blood throughout our body. Our heart takes the deoxygenated blood found in our veins through the lungs, here in the lungs they are re-oxygenate before being pump through the various arteries. The heart is such a vital organ, when working in cooperation with the circulatory system; the oxygenated blood provides oxygen and nutrients to body tissues. Without a doubt this is one of the most important organs in our body; if not the most important one. Let’s begin our easy to digest information.
1. Know Your Risks
Knowledge is important, especially when preventing or fighting a disease. In the case of our heart, knowing the risk factor is especially important. One of the most influential risk factor is your age; the older a person is, the greater the risk. Another risk is genetics, if your parents, grandparents or other relatives have been diagnose with a heart disease, stroke or diabetes, the greater your risk will be.
2. Take Responsibility – It’s Your Health
The greatest risk for a stroke is ignorance or misinformation; for this reason we encourage you to take responsibility of your health. A cardiovascular disease is the cause of 34% of the deaths in America, most of these deaths happen premature. As we mention, the best prevention for a CVD is knowledge, patients must understand the risk and treatment options.
3. Prevent/Reduce Stress
We all have different pressure in our everyday life; however when a problem is bigger than the everyday pressures, stress can occur. Stress, can triggers different physiological responses, most of them negative; if stress is severe it can cause CVD or death. To prevent/reduce stress you can do the following:
- Learn to say “NO!”
- Do exercise on a regular basis
- Have a healthy diet
- Have a good night sleep
- Laugh
- Avoid negative triggers: alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs
- Connect with others: Family, Friends, Co-Workers, etc.
4. Your Blood Pressure Needs to be Healthy
High blood pressure or hypertension is a silent killer; many patients that suffer from it go without symptoms and do not treat the disease until it is too late. Hypertension increases the risk of strokes, heart disease and even death. The risk begins when your blood pressure is higher than 120/8; to know your blood levels consult your doctor and ask him what treatments are available to you.
5. Exercise Daily
Exercise is sometimes the cure to a number of diseases. Exercise is one of the best treatments for depression or anxiety; also exercise burns calories and activates genes that are beneficial to your health. The lack of exercise is causing an epidemic in American: OBESITY. To prevent this you need to do something very simple, walk 2 miles every day and does 2 miles do not have to be done at once. However exercise alone cannot prevent a stroke, a healthy diet is also important.
6. Avoid Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke and Don’t Smoke
Many of us associate smoking with: breathing problems, lung cancer, influenza, various infections and infertility in some cases. However, smoking is also responsible of heart disease for men and women. Studies indicate that 20% of all deaths associate with heart disease in the States, are directly associated to smoking. Also the higher number of cigarettes a person smokes, the greater the risk for a stroke or heart attack will be.
7. Careful When Picking Your Pills
When at the grocery store you must be careful and wisely chose your medication. If you decide to take alternative medicines, please read the label and get informed; to date no studies have been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, strokes or cardiovascular diseases. It’s important to keep in mind that prescription drugs are prescribed to patients because they offer you beneficial effects.
8. Healthy Diet, Means a Healthy Body
In the blog, We are What we eat, so let’s Have a Healthy Diet we offer our patients several tips to having a healthy diet. Obesity in the States has reached an alarming rate; obesity is caused by consuming more calories than what you burn through exercise. As mention, exercise alone does not reduce heart diseases; a healthy diet is also required to reduce and prevent heart diseases and other cardiovascular diseases.
9. Monitor Your Cholesterol
High cholesterol is responsible for several diseases. In the case of cardiovascular diseases, when cholesterol builds up in the walls of your arteries and hardens; blood supply to the heart is cut off, either in part or completely. To lower and prevent risk of high cholesterol have a healthy diet and exercise; if you need addition information, ask your doctor she/he can offer you specific medications or other information to reduce your cholesterol.
10. Stay Updated: Medicine Constantly Changes
Products are constantly changing, for that reason reading and investigating is important. Do not believe every article or “scientific information” you find in the internet, in many cases these articles offer different or even contradicting results. We invite our readers to research reliable sites and if you have questions or concerns; check with the professionals, doctors and dentist are willing to provide you tips and details.
Sani Dental Group cares about your health, we know that our body has many important organs; each one serves its purpose and helps us in a number of ways. Our fist size muscle is responsible for the circulation of blood in our body. If blood does not reach organs, organ failure can occur; deteriorating our overall health. We hope these tips are helpful for you and your love ones; if you have not subscribed to our monthly Newsletter we invite you to subscribe. If you would like more information contact us, call our number and we will gladly assist.
Disclaimer: Open dentist to help you with your dental needs. We are taking additional special measures following CDC recommendations to ensure your health and safety.