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President's Day

There are many myths today associated with Presidents, for example, that George Washington, had wooden teeth manufactured by Paul Revere, or that Abe Lincoln was an avid vampire hunter.

Both of these are fiction, neither Washington had wooden teeth nor Lincoln-faced vampires.

Here at Sani Dental Group, we like to clear these myths through our blogs that offer you dental tips, cultural and entertaining facts, dental procedures, dental tourism, and tips for your body health. We invite you to visit our blog page and learn more about this and many more topics, for now, let's learn about President’s Day.

Presidents’ Day: Origin

February is a month with many significant events, whether you are sharing kisses and love or commemorating political figures, February is a month that has both.

For example, on the third Monday of this month, a holiday is celebrated in the US, the holiday is President’s Day. Now, the origins of this holiday go as far back as 1885, to commemorate U.S. first president, George Washington.

Traditionally Washington’s Birthday was celebrated on February 22 – however, the holiday recently experience a change, because of the 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act.

Similar to other patriotic celebrations (Independence Day, Veterans Day, Flag Day) in Presidents’ Day participants commemorate and remember presidents who were an example and change the nation.

The Uniform Monday Holiday Act

In 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act was an attempt by Congress to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. Under this Act, Unites States federal holidays will be observe of certain holidays on Mondays. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act was signed into law on June 28, 1968, but it did not come into effect until 1971.
Some of the holidays move because of this Act, include:

  • Washington's Birthday (February 22)
  • Memorial Day (May 30)
  • Columbus Day (October 12)
  • Veterans Day (November 11)

Washington’s Birthday

Washington’s Birthday is a federal holiday that was established in 1885. The holiday celebrates the life, accomplishments and contributions of George Washington. Washington without a doubt was an extraordinary American figure, for example, he voluntarily resigned as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in 1783.

Below are some of the many accomplishments and fun facts Washington achieve during his presidency:

  • First president of the United States and general of the American Revolution.
  • George Washington established the tradition of a cabinet of advisors.
  • The first Thanksgiving Proclamation was issued by President Washington.
  • Washington is the only president to have been unanimously elected by the Electoral College.
  • Washington set precedents for the social life of the president.
  • Washington was the only president inaugurated in two cities.

Lincoln’s Birthday

Lincoln’s Birthday is a legal holiday in some U.S. states, but unlike others, this is not a federal holiday. However, in many states throughout the US the day February 12 is reserve to observe Abraham Lincoln's birthday.

Below are some of the many accomplishments and fun facts Washington achieve during his presidency:

  • Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which began the process of freedom for America's slaves. The document also allowed black soldiers to fight for the Union.
  • Abraham Lincoln made the decision to fight to prevent the nation from splitting apart.
  • Abraham Lincoln was a strong supporter of the Thirteenth Amendment that formally ended slavery in the United States.
  • Abraham Lincoln was an unfaltering commander in chief during the Civil War which preserved the United States as one nation.
  • Abraham Lincoln's foreign policy was successful in preventing other countries from intervening in America's Civil War.
  • Abraham Lincoln's quotes are among the most famous quotes in the world.

Presidents’ Day: Observance and Traditions

Today President’s Day has lost some of its original meaning, in the past this holiday was use to observe presidents accomplishments and to commemorate many of their achievements. However now a days, the holiday has become well known for being a day in which stores (especially car dealers), hold special sales, similar to November’s Black Friday.

For young ones, schools that use to close on Lincoln and Washington birthday, now will only close for a single day; of course there are exceptions where some schools will close for the entire week (beginning with the Monday holiday) as a "mid-semester recess".
Overall, Presidents’ Day teaches students about the accomplishments of the presidents, often focusing on specific presidents and their achievements.

Sani Dental Group, invites all of our readers to comment and let us know how is your favorite president? Why do you admire this political figure? Let us know, these comments are deeply appreciate and we always admire your words.