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Memorial Day

Many have lost friends, family and people we loved or have come to appreciate. Countries from all over the world have fought in countless wars; these wars have change history or have changed our lives. Have you ever lost someone special? A person that meant so mucho to you, that when he/she is gone you felt devastated? It is possible that all of us have experience something similar; but all is not lost, we can still remember, commemorate them and follow the legacy they left us. On the last Monday of May, Memorial Day will be observed; men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military will be honor and remember.

The Evolution: Decoration Day to Memorial Day

During the 19th century, the United States was going through many conflicts, some of these conflicts brought wars. One of the mayor conflicts was the Civil War; in this war many of soldiers gave their life to protect both the freedom and rights we all deserved. To remember these soldiers Decoration Day was created.

May 5, 1862 General John A. Logan requested a national holiday to commemorate fallen soldiers. Logan was the Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic (1868 – 1871); with the help of this organization, Logan was able to convince Congress to accept the creation of a new holiday. The name of this holiday was: Decoration Day, the date to celebrate it was May 30, this date was chosen because it was not meant to remember any particular war.

During the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech in Arlington National Cemetery, with the help of 5,000 participants 20,000 graves of Union and Confederate soldiers were decorated.

Soon Decoration Day was transform to Memorial Day; this occurred after World War I, the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars. Until 1968 Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, a date chosen by Logan for the first Decoration Day. However when Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Memorial Day was moved to the last Monday in May, this allowed many federal employees to have a three day weekend.

Memorial Day Traditions

Today many cities across the United States host Memorial Day parades, in many of them military personnel and war veteran’s members of various organizations are invited to participate. If weather conditions are favorable, families throw outside parties and barbecues, inviting family and friends; after eating many visit grave site and leave flowers, flags or other decorations to their loved ones who fought in wars. Towns in New England, also held special events were veteran soldiers are remember for all their sacrifices, their struggles and their continued for liberty and justice for all.

One of the longest traditions associated to Memorial Day is the Indianapolis 500; this auto race is held the same weekend Memorial Day is celebrated since 1911. Another race is the Coca-Cola 600 stock car, this race has been held on the same day since 1961.

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Schedule an appointment and allow us to serve and protect you, just like you once serve and protected all of us.