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Teeth Whitening

It has finally happened! After months of waiting the modeling agency called you. You reach the agency and they offer you a few tips, unfortunately your agent sees you have a small problem: your smile. Your teeth are not bright enough for the photo-shoot. You need to fix this problem and fix it fast; your photo-shoot will be in 3 days.

After hearing the news you make a quick visit to your dentist to learn about the whitening systems that are available and which option is best for you. Once in the Dentist's office, your Dentist explains to you that the whitening options available include: over-the-counter strips or gels, whitening rinses, trays with whitening solutions, whitening toothpastes; these options can be obtained at the dental clinic.

Whitening Gel

This is a jelly-like product with hydrogen-peroxide, a chemical agent that bleaches and whitens teeth. The substance is applied in the surface of your teeth, either through strips, toothpastes, trays, or in rinses.

Whitening Strips

Over-the-counter whitening strips are slim and contain hydrogen peroxide. The strips are easy to apply; in most brands one treatment is composed of two strips. One strip is placed on the top while the other strip is placed on the bottom of your mouth.
In the kit, a common instruction states to use the product twice a day for two weeks. A minor problem with this product is that results are not seen immediately, they are usually seen after a few days and the result can last for months.

Whitening Rinses

This is a new product available in today’s market. Whitening rinses offer you two primary benefits: fresh breath and a brighter smile.
These rinses contain agents that help reduce dental plaque, freshen your breath and fight/reduce gum disease. With the addition of hydrogen peroxide not only will you fight oral diseases, but also brighten your smile.
A downfall with this product is time; for results to be seen, product must be applied for about 12 weeks. This is cause because the agents only make contact with your teeth for a short time, reducing their effect.

Trays with Whitening Agents

Tray-based whitener systems, is a whitening kit that includes: a mouth-guard shape tray, a whitening gel and bleaching agents.
For better results, we advise you to visit your dentist and ask him/her to create a customized tray for you. The customized tray will fit better in your mouth; making it more comfortable and preventing gum irritation or pain.

If you decide to use the over-the-counter whitening tray you may experience tooth sensitivity. The tray is worn for a couple of hours a day for an approximate time of four weeks or longer.

Whitening Toothpaste

Toothpaste offer you a number of benefits, many of these were discuss in our post: Colors, Flavors, Benefits in Toothpaste.
Most toothpaste contains fluoride, a key ingredient in toothpaste that helps prevent cavities and other oral diseases.

In addition fluoride promotes the formation of dental enamel and bones. Now, if the toothpaste you select contains hydrogen-peroxide, not only will it fight oral diseases, but also brighten your smile. With their whitening ingredients your toothpaste will lighten the color of your teeth for about a shade.

In-Office Whitening

In-Office whitening is the fastest option to whiten teeth. When you visit your dentist he/will applied the whitening product directly into your teeth. With a combination of heat, special light and/or lasers you can see results in only 30 ~60 min. To achieve the best results several appoints may be require.

However during your first visit, your dentist can make your teeth appear up to eight shades lighter. This is definitely the quickest way to brighten your smile.

After knowing the options that are available you decide to set-up an appointment with your dentist and have In-Office Whitening; the procedure is done and your smile is spectacular. You return to the photo-shoot and your agent is astonished; within a few weeks you see your picture in clipboards and in magazines, without doubt, you made the correct decision.

Learn more of the whitening options available at our dental clinic, contact us and schedule an appointment; Sani Dental Group can help you achieved the perfect smile.

The steps and procedures mentioned in this post are procedures available in the medical field; however, not all these treatments and procedures are perform at Sani Dental Group. To confirm if this procedure is perform at our dental clinics, please contact us directly.