Independence Day
July is a special month for Americans, in this month Americans commemorate their independence. How would you celebrate this date? There are several ways you can celebrate this special date, but the most significant way you can remember Independence Day is by spending time with your loved ones and making memories with your family and friends.
This federal holiday reminds Americans how their nation was formed. In July 4, 1776 the Thirteen Colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence freeing them from the kingdom of Great Britain; but how did they achieved their freedom?
Searching for Freedom
In the beginning of America history there were 13 separate colonies; but they all had a similar goal the search of freedom, they were searching for a place to call home. Unfortunately this desire for freedom was short lived, the colonist were still subjected to Great Britain regime. However these colonies were still focused on achieving their goal and with the growing hostility between Great Britain and the colonies; a changed was needed.
On September 5, 1774 a convention was organized; here 12 colonies got together at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to discuss economics, trade and how they could solve the problems they had with Great Britain. In the First Continental Congress two accomplishments were reached:
- Firstcolonies agreed to boycott British goods beginning on December 1, 1774. This caused imports from Britain to dropped 97 percent in 1775, compared to the previous year.
- Secondthe congress established a date for the colonies to meet and continue discussing the problems they were facing. This became the Second Continental Congress; they meet on May 10, 1775.
The Second Continental Congressthe major accomplishment reached by the thirteen colonies voted in favor of their freedom, they voted in favor of their independence from Great Britain. The birth of the American Independence had begun.
Fact: The American Revolution is the political result of several social and political transformations that pre-American societies and the governments went through.
During the Second Continental Congress, the delegates turned their attention to the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is an official document in which Thomas Jefferson eloquently expresses the discomforts the 13th colonies had with Great Britain. Jefferson’s document was divided into five sections: an introduction, a preamble, a body (divided into two sections) and a conclusion.
In the introduction Jefferson stated the countries desired to seek freedom from Great Britain. In the preamble Jefferson included the famous passage: We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The body contained a list of grievances against Britain’s crown outlining the colonies necessity to seek their independence.
Without of doubt the United States Declaration of Independence is one of the best and well written documents ever made. The document has both historical and emotional values and thanks to it the colonies were able to reach their goal: FREEDOM.
The New Challenge Forming a Nation
One of their goals had been reached; now the colonists had a new goal, to create a new: Nation. This nation would be free of Great Britain regime; able to create their own laws, rights, amendments and free to make their choices. After several years fighting, a new benefit was reached; the colonists were no longer only groups, now they are a nation.
July 4th the Holiday
Since July 04, 1776 Americans have celebrated the birth of their nation and independence. Some of the festivities associated with Independence Day are fireworks, parades, concerts, family gathering and barbecues.
Because USA Independence Day is celebrated in mid-summer many families enjoy this day to spent time together and make memorable memories. There are several unique ways you can celebrate Americans freedom, for example:
- In 1785 in Bristol, Rhode Island; the Bristol Fourth of July Parade was establish. This is the oldest continuous Independence Day celebration in the United States.
- In 1912 a Danish-American organization, the Rebild Society has held a July 4 festival. These have serves as a homecoming for Danish-Americans.
- In 1970 Atlanta, Georgia made a new custom: an annual 10 kilometer Peachtree Road Race.
- During 4th of July weekend the Capitol lawn in Washington, D.C. offers: free concerts, fireworks and attracts about half a million people annually.
For Sani Dental Group it is import that you protect your teeth and continue smiling during this long weekend. In addition to offering dental services; Sani Dental Group offers our patients several easy to digest oral care tips, cultural details and we invite you to invite your friends and love ones to our Newsletter.
If you would like more information contact us, we will be happy to assist. At this moment we invite you to have fun, enjoy the fireworks, spent time with your family and make lovely memories with your love ones.
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