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Implant Failure: Here's how to avoid it

Dental implants have been around for a few years now. They’re the number #1 solution for patients who have lost a tooth or multiple and are looking to replace them. Dental implants are a post-like device that is installed in the socket that the lost tooth left behind.

Dental implants are made out of different materials, usually metal or zirconia. Zirconia implants are a great option for patients who have allergic reactions to titanium or other metals.

These implants are installed into the patient’s jawbone and, if necessary, the doctor can perform a bone graft procedure to stimulate bone growth around that area. Once the implants are set into place, the doctor will proceed to install a crown that carefully resembles the rest of your teeth so it doesn’t stand out.

This treatment, just like any other dental treatment with an aesthetic purpose, requires the patient’s cooperation to take extreme care after the procedure to assure the best results and prolong the treatment’s duration span.

Taking care of your dental implants should be a priority, and Sani Dental Group, the dental group with the best Mexican implant dentists, is always looking out for their patients’ wellbeing; in this blog, we’ll inform you about different ways to take care of them, as well as the different signs on when it is time for your doctor to intervene to prevent complications or any other issues related to them.

Taking care of your implants

It’s time!

Yes, it is time to start taking care of them! Just got them? Have had them for a couple of years now? The period of time for which you’ve had them doesn’t matter; you should always take care of them!

Neglecting and not practicing proper oral and dental hygiene can contribute to the development and formation of different issues, such as swelling, inflammation or infection of the gum tissue that surrounds the implant, leading to periodontal disease if left untreated.

Dental crowns, which are the caps placed onto the implant to resemble a tooth, are made out of certain materials that prevent cavities from forming on them, but that doesn’t mean that the gums surrounding the implant will not be affected.

Dental implant care is not a hard job, but it does require discipline and for you to be consistent. Here are a few tips for you to implement into your daily oral care routine

What should I do?

Brushing and flossing are your friends!

affordable-dental-implantsWe cannot stress this enough; brushing and flossing your teeth are the #1, most basic ways to take care of your teeth. They help eliminate disease-causing and cavity-producing bacteria that can form in your mouth by eating, drinking, or just consuming anything. Flossing is also a great way to reach the places in between your teeth that your brush can’t get to.

Take the time to brush and floss your teeth daily properly, at least 3 times a day. If you’d like to learn how to do it properly or forgot how to do it, you can visit our blog on that by clicking here; you’ll learn some other useful tips to taking care of the rest of your teeth!

To prevent your implants from getting scratched or stopping your toothbrush from damaging them overall, consider changing to one that’s softer and less abrasive.

Improving your daily habits

We’re probably not aware of how much our daily habits have an influence on our health until they truly start affecting us.

One of the most common activities for millions of people is cigarette breaks and smoking. Smoking has a huge impact on our oral and dental condition (and on our overall health), as it can lead to serious problems down the line.

Smoking can delay the dental implant recovery process, as it contributes to slower healing times. It restricts the blood flow and if a bone graft has been performed for the implant to sit in place, affects osseointegration (the fusion of your bone with your new implant).

Don’t take your teeth (or implants) for granted

We think that our teeth can take a lot of stress until one of them chips or breaks. It might seem easy to use them as a bottle opener, scissors, or object holders, but we never take into account how much damage we put them through.

Dental implants, even if they’re stronger than natural teeth because of the materials that they’re made out of, are not invincible. The best way to make them last is to use them exclusively for chewing.

The type of food that you eat also plays a huge role in maintaining your teeth in shape. Dental implants can limit your chewing ability; hard-to-chew foods can become a threat.

A few foods to avoid could be:

·         Peanuts;

·         Crunchy foods such as chips;

·         Hard candy;

·         Certain fruits such as apples and pears.

Visit your dentist often

This advice goes both to people who have dental implants and those who do not; regular checkups with your dentist are a must. You don’t have to wait for something to ache or hurt to go to the dentist.


Periodical visits to the dentist’s office can spare you from complications and other problems related to your oral and dental health.

Dental implants Mexico

Cost of dental implants in Mexico

You’ve probably heard about medical tourism before; it’s a worldwide known phenomenon in which people from one country travel to another to get treated. Dental healthcare is no exception.

Every year, lots of people from all over the world take a trip to our Los Algodones or Playa del Carmen locations to get dental implants in Mexico; smile makeovers and full mouth reconstructions rely on the use of dental implants.

Many medical tourists prefer traveling to Los Algodones or Playa del Carmen because of the cost of dental implants in Mexico; due to a few different reasons (some of which you can read here), dental work in Mexico is cheaper when compared to other countries. For example, a single, standard dental implant in the US has an average price of $3,000 USD.

If you feel like getting Mexico dental implants is the best choice for you and want to book an appointment with us, feel free to call (928) 257-1307 or fill a form here to schedule a visit with us; a team of patient coordinators are ready to assist you through your process.

Let us help you smile again.