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Healthy Back - SDG Assists

A few days ago your friend move to his new apartment, he is very excited and ask you for help to move some boxes. The boxes are heavy and soon your back begins to hurt and to make matters worse, soon you will make a long drive. In a few days you will visit your parents, this fills you with trepidation at the idea that you will spend hours sitting.

The accumulation of several events and the lack of exercise has caused back pain; does this situation sound familiar? Sani would be surprise, today 31 million Americans experience lower-back pain at any given time. To reduce the risk of lower-back pain, Sani Dental Group will like to give a few tips.

Protect Your Back

Protecting your back is essential, having lower-back pain can cramp your lifestyle, it can even cost you days at work and even other health problems. Poor body mechanics can lead to back pain, however this is not always the case, according to Scott D. Boden, MD, director of the Emory Spine Center in Atlanta and a spokesman for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, says: “Certainly, if you are doing a lot of lifting with bad mechanics, you can increase the risk of back injury or a strained muscle, but I think it’s also important to understand that many back problems and even back injuries occur just with normal mechanics”.

Indeed, good body mechanics will certainly help you prevent many back problems and to further reduce the risk of lower back pain, Sani Dental Group offers you a few points that you must keep in mind.

Tips to a Healthy Back

A good posture is essential to a healthy back, posture is the position in which you hold your body, is important to hold an upright position against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. A good posture involves training your body to lie, sit, stand and walk in a position in which you will put the least strain on your back muscles and its ligaments.

When carrying a large object, always keep it close to your body this will make it easier to handle and will protect your back.

When lifting an object, kneel down on one knee and your other foot keep it flat on the floor and as near as possible to the item you are lifting. Remember to lift with your legs, this will keep your back healthy and save.

Minor Back Pain
If you feel minor back pain, treat it with an anti-inflammatories and gentle stretching, afterwards use an ice to relax the muscles.

Moving Heavy Items
Pushing an object is safer on our back and easier than pulling them. Always use your arms and legs to start a push and not your back; if you need help don’t be afraid of asking for help.

Something not near you? Use a stool to reach for things that are above shoulder level.

When sitting, keeps your knees slightly higher than the position of your hips, this will provide a good support to your lower back.

Did you know that sleeping in your back puts 55lbs. of pressure on your back? To reduce this pressure, add a couple of pillow under your knees; another option is to lay on your side with a pillow between your knees.

Reduce lower back muscle pain by placing one foot in front of the other, with your knees slightly bent, this will keep your back healthy and strong.

Keep your Back Strong Everyday

On a regular basis we can put our backs at risk, but if we follow these tips your back will be strong and free of pain. For the largest dental clinic in Los Algodones, keep your teeth strong and healthy is our priority, but our dental clinic also cares about your body’s health. Our goal is for you to have a healthy smile and a healthy body; with this in mind Sani Dental Group is about to open new facilities, facilities that will offer you more services and that will be able to take care of all your needs. Como to Los Algodones and see for yourself everything we have to offer you.