Having a Healthy and Safe Halloween
Halloween is here are you ready? If not we invite you to read these tips to have a healthy and safe Halloween.
Tips for a Safe Halloween
When selecting your costume we invite you to focus on the following areas, this way your Halloween will be safe.
Creative, but Safe Costumes
Your costume should be scary, unique and creative, but it should also be safe; to accomplish this follow these tips:
- Avoid Mask when possible, this can obstruct your vision, instead use natural face paint makeup.
- Decorate your costume and accessories with light colors, if not possible why not use reflective tape or sticker?
- Tell your kids to carry glow sticks and/or flashlights to avoid getting hit by a car.
- Use a costume that is your size, not bigger or smaller, this will prevent trips and falls.
Drive Safely on Halloween Night
- Do not drive fast on Halloween night, be alert while driving in residential neighborhoods.
- Drive slowly, anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic and turn your headlights on to spot children, adults or “monsters” from greater distances.
- On Halloween night, must children will be extra excited and might react or move in unpredictable ways.
- Slowly and carefully enter or exit driveways to avoid an accident.
- Stay concentrated on the road and surroundings, avoid any distractions
- Take extra-long pauses when at an intersection, on medians and/or on curbs; allowing children to pass and be at the lookout.
- Trick-or-treating usually begins at 5:30 p.m. and tends to end at 9:30 p.m.; be extra alert during these hours.
Fact: Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween, than on any other day of the year.
Trick - or - Treat With an Adult
- Children under the age of 12 should not be with our any adult supervision, it could be dangerous or even deadly.
- If the child is a “mature” age and decides to go trick-or-treating by themselves, we advise they stay on familiar areas and in groups.
Walk, don’t Run
- Before crossing look left, right, repeat once again before crossing the street.
- Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings
- Cross the street at crosswalks and corners or traffic signals, not at the middle of the street.
- Make eye contact with drivers, this will avoid numerous of accidents.
- Walk don’t run, running to the next house can cause numerous accidents.
- While trick-or-treating avoid using electronic devices, that can cause a distraction or make you fall.
Tips for a Healthy Halloween
Unfortunately, this fun and scary tradition has become a dangerous, did you hear about the little girl who bit into a candy bar and died because a stranger had tainted it with poison? This is a story that is told every year to children, the story of evil strangers tainting Halloween candy and apples with poison, glass and razor blades among other things.
Even though many of these stories are fact, there has been several police reports in which a child was injured by Halloween candy from a stranger. Through these tips let’s have a healthy Halloween.
Advice for Parents or Adults
- Tell your children to not open your candy until you have returned home.
- Inspect all candy before consumption.
- Only accept wrapped or packaged candy, do not consume candy that has been unwrapped or opened.
- Do not consume fruit, homemade or unwrapped treats; avoid accidents.
- If possible, make a Halloween party in your home; inviting your child's friends, this will allow a safe and fun night.
- Keep close all emergency numbers in case they need.
Sani Dental Group hopes you have a fun and pleasant evening this Halloween, we know many will go out and trick-or-treat. Avoid tooth decay by eating sweet with moderation; if tooth decay is unavoidable then visit our dental clinic in Los Algodones, where we can restore your smile from any damage.
Disclaimer: Open dentist to help you with your dental needs. We are taking additional special measures following CDC recommendations to ensure your health and safety.