Five Life Saving Fruits and Vegetables
The final dish is here! Sani Dental Group invites you to consume fruits and vegetables that will protect your body from harmful diseases, improve your mental health and overall health. This week fruits and vegetables will provide the nutritional value and health benefits, with an easy to digest feeling. It’s time to eat, let’s begin.
Think oranges are good for you? Well image there is a fruit that offers you more vitamin C and has a sweeter taste.
Kiwi is a fruit that offers you more vitamin C than an orange. If you want to add a twist to the taste of your salad add a few Kiwis to it. The Kiwifruit offer us a number of health benefits, one of the most significant attributes that Kiwi have is that they contain numerous phytonutrients.
Phytonutrients are chemical compounds that occur in plants, these compounds protect DNA from oxygen-related damage. If you have respiratory problems, such as: wheezing, shortness of breath, or night coughing. Sani Dental Group recommends you add Kiwi into your diet.
An additional nutritional value Kiwis have, are vitamins: C, K, E and minerals like copper, fiber, potassium, folate, manganese. The combination of these vitamins and minerals make Kiwis a great antioxidant, the fruit protects our skin, helps with great bone production, prevent diseases on the heart and blood vessel, helps patients’ who suffer diabetes and can prevent some cancers.
Next time we visit our local super market, lets take a moment and visit the fruits and vegetables department and purchase some Kiwis. Remember you can eat Kiwis by themselves, serve sliced with berries and yogurt, mix sliced with other citrus fruits, use in fruit tarts or as dessert after a meal.
Small red and delicious, mention in many ancient text and loaded with health benefits and nutritional value, the pomegranate is a fruit with many culinary and medical uses and has a great taste.
Some of the health and nutritional benefits Pomegranates offer include:
- Boosts Immune System
- Control Your Weight
- Fight Cell Damage
- Prevents Diarrhea
- Lower Risk of Cancer (Prostate and Breast)
- Lower Risk of Heart Disease
- Reduce Cholesterol
This is due because Pomegranates high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Image, our body is compose of millions of cells, however these can die and a healthy body becomes dead. Contains high levels of vitamin C and fiber, improving our bodies’ resistance against infection. The low amounts of natural fat helps you reduce sizes and stay slim. Nutritionists agree if you take a pomegranate along with you, you can lose weight. Pomegranates reduce unnecessary blood clotting improving your heart functions. Its anti-inflammatory properties protect you against asthma, diarrhea, piles and other diseases.
Pomegranates have been used though out history, they are a symbol of prosperity and ambition; they have nutritional value and can help prevent/reduce a number of diseases. Including them in our diet is a smart choice and will improve your health.
Red Grapes
This fruits have a unique texture and flavor and one of the most popular berries known today. Grapes are small round berry, with semi-translucent flesh coated by a smooth skin. There are several national benefits and many health benefits.
Anti-Aging and Longevity Benefits
Grapes have phytonutrients, thanks to these nutrients grapes play an important role in longevity and provide us with anti-aging benefits. Research’s made on Grapes, have shown that grapes contain “Resveratrol”. Resveratrol has shown to increase expression of three genes, all related to longevity; these genes are: SirT1s, Fox0s, and PBEFs.
Antioxidant Benefits
The rich level of antioxidant nutrients found in grapes is amazing! Research on grapes antioxidant benefits includes the following:
- Prevent certain oxygen-related enzymes from becoming overactive. These enzymes include xanthine oxidase and catalase.
- Increase blood levels of glutathione and increase the ratio of reduced-to-oxidized glutathione
- Protect cell membranes from damage.
- Reduce oxidation of fat
- Lowers stress.
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
In addition to their strong antioxidant support, grapes provide us with equally strong anti-inflammatory benefits. Research on grapes has demonstrated that grapes can lower the risk of excessive and unwanted inflammation in a variety of ways, this is once again thanks to the phytonutrients grapes have.
Anti-Cancer Benefits
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of grapes makes them a natural source for protection against cancer. Research on grapes and cancer has demonstrated that grapes can reduce the risk of three types of cancers: breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.
- For breast cancer, grape phytonutrients include: catechins, proanthocyanidins, and stilbenes
- For colon cancer, grape phytonutrients include: anthocyanins.
- For prostate cancer, grape phytonutrients include: stilbenes
These are some of the health benefits grapes have, other include:
- Anti-Microbial Benefits
- Blood Sugar Benefits
- Cardiovascular Benefits
- Cognitive Benefits
Sweet Potatoes
A yearly available vegetable that is inexpensive and delicious. Sweet Potatoes are pack with vitamins and minerals. Some of the vitamins and minerals associated with sweet potatoes include: Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin A, B, C and D.
Smokers and diabetics should especially include this vegetable in their diet. The health benefits and nutrients in sweet potatoes in our diet will not only provide many benefits but also help us prevent many diseases. This vegetable is part of the super-foods groups, including them in our diet is definitely a smart choice.
Is a fruit or is it a vegetable? Many consider tomatoes a vegetable, but it is actually a fruit, it is a berry. This fruit/vegetable is delicious, juicy and sweet. They are full of anti-oxidants, a particular phytonutrient found in tomatoes is: Lycopene.
Lycopene helps prevent cancers like:
- Prostate Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Stomach Cancer
In addition to its abilities to prevent cancers, tomatoes can help you recover from age-related macular degeneration and can provide many health benefits. So if this fruit/vegetables is tasty, juicy, delicious and full of benefits, why are you not including them in your diet?
A good nutrition is something hard achieve at times. Sometimes we don’t know the nutritional value that certain fruits or vegetables offer us. For the month of May Sani Dental Group sought to increased your knowledge, learn a few eating tips and take healthy choices to make a healthy body. If you would like more information call toll free 1-855-SANI-DDS or (928) 257-1307 and make an appointment with us or we invite you to subscribe to our NewsLetter and obtain exclusive benefits and content.
Disclaimer: Open dentist to help you with your dental needs. We are taking additional special measures following CDC recommendations to ensure your health and safety.