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Drinking and Teeth

In the summer, many families gather and spend time together. During these months, many want enjoy the sun and are willing to travel a great distances; others travel to meet with family or friends, or to reach a party. In these events, we might meet friends we have not seen in years, others will meet new friends and in some rare occasions in these parties some have meet their soul-mate.

At the party without a doubt there are several things you will enjoy and among them are the beverages. In parties it is very common to see sugary drinks such as: beer, soda or wine. However, have we ever stop and consider the effects drinking has in our teeth?

Effect of Drinks in our Teeth

In today’s society, Americans consume many sugary beverages. In a study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); statistics show that between 2005~2008 on average, Americans consumed between 103~178 kcal on any given day.

From the statistics mention above, male and female 60 and over consumed 70 kcal (males) and 42 kcal (females). This mean that on any given day one can was consumed. Many 8oz sodas contain at least 100 kcal.

Regarding alcoholic beverages, Americans on average consume 4 alcoholic drinks per week; the problem occurs when one fall into the trap of alcoholism. Many of us know and understand the physical problems alcohol has in our body. We know that it can cause cirrhosis to the liver, circulatory problems or metabolic problems; but an area that is often forgotten is the negative impact alcohol has on your oral health.

Due to its chemistry alcohol serves as a drying agent; reducing saliva flow and creating an acidic environment in your mouth. When these two combine in your mouth, a side effect includes soften enamel. In addition to xerostomia, many alcoholic beverages contain artificial sweeteners; increasing the risk of periodontal diseases.

Alcohol abuse increases bacteria build-up causing cavities, plaque and eventually leading to tooth loss. In some cases patients who struggle with alcohol have put themselves at higher risk of suffering oral cancer.

To prevent and reduce the effects of alcohol in our mouth we recommend you to brush your teeth 20 min after you consume your drink(s). But brushing your teeth will not be enough to protect your teeth if you have fallen into the trap of alcoholism.

Fact: On average, it takes 20 min. for saliva to re-mineralize tooth enamel and wash away acidic remains.

Protecting your Smile from Alcohol

Alcoholism can cause numerous of dental problems; when you visit your dentist, he/she can identify the early stages of periodontal diseases by observing the gums and teeth. When examining the patient's mouth; the dentist can observe and determine if your oral health is in danger of obtaining: cavities, bad breath, gum deterioration or tooth loss.

If you are a recovering alcoholic do not refrain yourself from visiting the dentist. Your dentist can help you prevent oral diseases and protect your smile from alcohol.

If someone you know and love is suffering with alcohol abuse, we recommend you help them seek treatment. Our dental clinics can help identify and prevent oral diseases; however our help will not be enough if you have fallen in the trap of alcoholism. Learn the effects of alcohol abuse on your teeth and how to have a healthy smile.

Sani Dental Group wants you to enjoy these sunny summer days and we know the positive effect alcohol can have in a party. We invite all of our readers and patients enjoy these events and make memorable memories.

The steps and procedures mentioned in this post are procedures available in the medical field; however, not all these treatments and procedures are perform at Sani Dental Group. To confirm if this procedure is perform at our dental clinics, please contact us directly.