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5 de Mayo

The Mexican date, which commemorates the Battle of Puebla, curiously this date is often confused with Mexico’s Independence Day. However, Mexico’s Independence Day is celebrated on September 16. For Mexicans this date is not as important as it is for Americans. For some reason, 5 Mayo has taken a deeper significance for Mexican-Americans, Americans and even Canadians, than for Mexicans.

The Events / The History

Imagine you are in your home, eating food with your love ones, with your friends. Wars have ended, some of your friends had participated in the Civil Wars, your families told you about their efforts in the Mexican-American War.

Now there is peace, finally you can see a bright future; however this all was about to change, the President makes an announcement that all foreign debt payments have been suspended for 2 years. In the aftermath everything turns dark; when English, Spanish and French received the news, they refused the Presidents' action. The solution, invade Mexico.

Both the Spanish and the English reconsider and eventually accepted the terms that Mexico President, Benito Juarez, had offer. However the French refused to leave, their reasons varies depending on historians, but one thing is certain in 1862 the French army began to advance.

This is War

Under the command of General Charles Latrille de Lorencez 6,000 French troops arrived at the coast of Veracruz, this was a well-armed fleet; they were well provisioned and supported by heavy artillery. The fleet was ready to attack Puebla, General Charles Latrille de Lorencez thought this was going to be a quick victory; however Puebla was prepare.

On 5 Mayo 1862, the French military troops marched toward Mexico City. General Ignacio Zaragoza commanded approximately 4,500 Mexican soldiers, they fought and defended their lands in the Mexican forts of Loreto and Guadalupe. The battle od Puebla proves that even if you are outnumbered, even if you are poorly supplied or do not have the best strategy; you can still win a war.

5 Mayo demonstrates several things among them, the strength of the human spirit. Zaragoza’s success in Puebla became a symbol of victory for the Mexican government and strengthened the resistance movements. The victory established national unity and patriotism. In addition, this victory over the French has cross both cultural and geographical borders.

5 Mayo in the 20th Century

The Battle of Puebla has had a significant impact in the United States. This date is widely accepted and often confuse with Mexico Independence. In the United States is common to see Mexican-American having parades, mariachi music and folkloric dancing. In many schools students decorate this desk and classroom with traditional Mexican colors and in some cases they even bring traditional dishes, for example tacos and Mole Poblano.

Now if you reside in Canada, several cities hold American-style parades and they highlight Mexican cuisine. The local pubs play Mexican music, serve dishes and overall spend time with their family and friends. The 5 May or the Battle of Puebla is not widely accepted as it is in the USA, but Canada has yearly events to commemorate this date.

Sani Dental Group invites you to Los Algodones, come and see how Mexico celebrates and commemorates this date. Enjoy margaritas, Mexican dishes, listen to live mariachi music and enjoy the time with the family and friends. Also if you have a dental problem and want an affordable solution visit Los Algodones, call toll free 1-855-SANI-DDS or (928) 257-1307 and make an appointment.