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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: How to Deal with a Diagnosis

After someone hears the words "you have cancer", the entire world seems to fall apart. Suddenly, a person is forced to deal with medical appointments and procedures; exams, analysis, questions, and all kind of situations appear together with the disease. The person must absorb tons of information about her new life, and make decisions that never thought about before. On top of all that, everybody around is waiting to this person to be strong and brave. It's a really difficult situation.

As a part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Sani Dental Group wants to support those who are going through this disease. We know how is important is for a newly diagnosed with breast cancer to be supported, and we want to support you. Here are 5 tips on how to deal with a diagnosis of this disease.

There Are No Dumb Questions

When you or someone you know is diagnosed with cancer, it's indispensable solving all your doubts. From diet to sun exposure, any question you have is important. Your doctor won't have any problem in solving your doubts, so don't worry and ask. Being informed is vital when you're dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis.

Don't Rush Into Decisions

With a breast cancer diagnosis, you may feel that you're running out of time. Well, it's not like that, and you shouldn't take decisions thinking that way. Take your time to decide anything, and be sure to not rush into things just because. You have plenty of time, so act with good thinking and patience, even when it's hard.

Take Someone to Appointments with You

It's important to have someone to talk when you're dealing with a disease like this. By taking someone with you to appointments, you're not alone if you receive good or bad news. Also, when someone that cares about you joins to your appointments, this person can give you support and help you to feel better after.

Say No and Stay Home Whenever You Please

A lot of people, in an intent for supporting you, will try to distract you by taking you out. What you need to know is that it's always your decision, and if you feel better by your own, they must understand. There's nothing wrong about being alone in home, after all, there is a lot to process after a diagnosis.

Enjoy Everything Around You

You're still here, be conscious of it. You may have a family, maybe a pet, or a group of friends that you love. They're still here too, so enjoy them. Enjoy the food, the movies, the books, and everything that gets in your way. You may have a disease, but that doesn't mean you're not alive, so don't let cancer take the joy of life away from you.

Look for Support

Having breast cancer may be a fight, but you don't have to fight it alone. Out there are a lot of people that understands how you feel, so take their support. Your family supports you. Your friends too. There are support groups with people supporting each other in the fight against breast cancer. You're not the only one feeling like this, so accept support and be supportive.

According to American Cancer Society, surviving breast cancer is highly possible, even in stage III. It all depends on you and your will to live. We hope that you always choose to live because that's the key to overcome this disease. Don't let yourself down and remember how much love you have around. People care about you, so you do the same.

We at Sani Dental Group are making an effort to raise breast cancer awareness this month. We care about our patients and their health, so we support them under any circumstance. As always, we invite you to visit one of our dental clinics in Los Algodones, Mexico. Give us a call and our patients coordinators will give you all the information you need. Because living is good, but living with a beautiful smile is amazing.