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Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Blogs You Should Read

Sani Dental Group is proud to be part of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign. Consciousness on this subject should be present all year long. Yet, as you know, our services focus in the dental area. Being breast cancer awareness so important, we want to end this month by sharing with you blogs where you can find information about it.

No matter if you're just preventing, you're newly diagnosed, or you have defeated breast cancer, these blogs will help you to know that you're not alone. We hope you find these blogs helpful, and don't forget: prevention is power.

Nancy's Point

"In 2008 my mother died from metastatic breast cancer and in April 2010 I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer myself". From there, the life of Nancy Stordahl changed forever. On her blog, she writes about the issues of having a breast cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy, side effects of the treatment, and everything a patient faces. What she shares is her own experience, "through sharing comes healing,” she writes. It's a personal blog where you can feel identified with her situation and find that you're not the only one feeling this way.

The Accidental Amazon

"Snark, sass, info, art, and most of all, life after breast cancer". What makes this blog so good is the snarky attitude of Kathi Kolb, the writer. Here she shares her experiences with the disease and she doesn't have fear to express herself. She doesn't only writes about breast cancer, but calls out for better treatments, more research, and a better understanding of breast cancer. Even when she writes about a disease, it's sure that she'll put a smile on your face. What's better than a smile when you're dealing with something like this?

Darn Good Lemonade

"I am recording my experiences to hopefully help others through their breast cancer treatment". As the name of the blog suggests, it offers a positive view of life after a breast cancer diagnosis. Mandi Hudson, the creator of the blog, writes having in mind the fear and anxiety that breast cancer causes, but she stands for the philosophy that breast cancer should not be what defines anyone with the disease. There are beautiful posts that will give you hope if you're dealing with a diagnosis.

But Doctor....I Hate Pink!

"Now livin' the Stage IV Lifestyle! Terminal Cancer can be funny. Just not for very long". Ann Silberman addresses her life with terminal cancer with a wry sense of humor. Many people in her situation couldn't be capable of writing as she does, but she doesn't stop. Her posts are deeply moving and hilarious at the same time. She also encourages readers to ask questions and she answer all of them. This blog is vital for anyone who is facing terminal cancer and needs to laugh about it.

Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer

"I never planned on becoming a breast cancer survivor because, like most people, I never planned on having cancer". Marie Ennis-O’Connor is a survivor, and she wants you to know that you can survive too. On her blog, she shares stories of people who have survived cancer, as long as helpful news and analysis. This blog offers a bit of hope by showing that not all the diagnosis of breast cancer end up in a fatal way. Actually, there are a lot of survivors, and reading their stories can help you to have the courage to face this disease.

Talking about breast cancer is always something hard to deal with. These blogs have different perspectives from people who are living the disease and know how it feels. We hope that if you read any of the above, you can find a connection that helps you to feel better. You're not the first or the last one who can have breast cancer, so let those who know the process to share with you what they know.

Sani Dental Group hopes that you enjoy a long and healthy life. As always, we invite you to visit one of our dental clinics in Los Algodones, Mexico. Give us a call and our patient coordinators will give you all the information you need. What we want is that you enjoy your life showing a beautiful smile on your mouth. We can help you with that if you give us the opportunity, so why to wait? Make the decision today.