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Benjamin Franklin: The Writer, The Inventor, The Scientist

Three hundred nine years ago, in January 16, 1706, an individual who change and left his mark in history was born, the person who was born is “Benjamin Franklin”.

Who is this character? Have we ever stop to think how he change history and our way of thinking? Many can easy identify him from the 100.00 dollar bill, but not many can understand and glimpse at the inner person this character is.

Benjamin Franklin was many things, among them: a civic leader, a diplomat, an inventor, a philanthropist, a printer, a scientist, a statesman, a writer among many other.

Benjamin’s Early Days

Benjamin Franklin was the 15th child and last son of 17 children, his father was Josiah Franklin, a soap and candle maker. His father married twice, with his first wife, Anne Child, he had 7 children and with his second wife, Abiah Folger, he had 10 children. Since a young age, Ben demonstrated his intellect, but despite his success at Boston Latin School young Benjamin was drop-out from school to work with his father at candle making. However, the idea of dipping wax and cutting wicks was not part of young Benjamin future plan.

At the age of 12, young Benjamin was sent to his brother’s print-shop as an apprentice, here young Ben quickly learned the printing business and soon the apprentice beats the Master (his brother). This caused Ben to suffer hard treatments James. The friction between them was strong, so strong that James refused to publish any of his brother’s writing. Ben soon adopted the pseudonym Mrs. Silence Dogood and “she” began to write 14 narrative that were both entertaining, imaginative and delighted many readers. These were the firsts of many great literary works created by Benjamin Franklin.

To further his education in the printing trade, young Benjamin travel to Philadelphia, by this time the friction between James and him, had forced Ben to separate from his brother print shop. Here in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin lodge at the home of John Read, it is at this time that he met and courted Read’s daughter Deborah.

Nevertheless, in 1724 Franklin left for London under the supports of Pennsylvania Governor William Keith. His plan soon backfire, when the governor’s letters did not arrive and he was forced to look for work at print shops. Once employed young ben was able to enjoy and take full advantage of London’s pleasures, among them attending theater, coffee houses and continuing his lifelong passion for reading.

When Benjamin Franklin reach the age of 20 the wanted a change, Franklin wanted to put his life in order. He returned to Philadelphia in 1726, looking Deborah, but he found out that Deborah Read had married. In the next few years he held several jobs, from being a bookkeeper to a currency cutter or a shopkeeper. At this time, Ben also fathered a son, William, out of wedlock. In late 1727, Benjamin formed the “Junto” and in 1728 he was able to establish his own print shop with a partner.

Benjamin’s Successes and Failures

Like all great entrepreneurs success is only accomplish through the a few failures. Franklin himself once said, “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.”
Below are some of his many success:

ABOLITIONIST - Started Society to Abolish Slavery
AGRICULTURE - Introduced several crops to U.S.
BANKING - Well known for maxims on thrift
BUSINESSMAN - Owned and operated several businesses
CARTOONIST - Drew 1st cartoon in an American newspaper
COMMUNITY SERVICE - Street lighting, paving and cleaning
DIPLOMAT - Ambassador to England Minister to France
EDUCATOR - Involved in founding two colleges
ELECTRICAL - Experiments and theories (Kite & Key)
FUND RAISER - Originated matching contributions idea
GOVERNMENT - Held numerous positions:
INVENTOR - Stove, lightning rod, bifocals and many others...
JOURNALISM - Wrote for several early newspapers
LIBRARIES - Started 1st circulating library
LINGUIST - Studied several languages and designed a phonetic alphabet
MASONIC - Grand Master of Pennsylvania
MEDICINE - Founded 1st U.S. Hospital
MENTOR - Acted as a counselor and guide to many of his contemporaries
OPTOMETRIC - Bifocal glasses
PHILANTHROPIST - Organized fund raising and contributed to many worthwhile causes
PHILOSOPHER - Started American Philosophical Society
POSTAL - First postmaster
PRINTING - Noted Colonial printer, "Patron Saint of Printing"
PUBLIC SAFETY - Started 1st police department
PUBLIC SAFETY II - Started 1st fire department
SALESMAN - Expert at marketing and sales
SCIENCE - Noted 18th Century Scientist

Without a doubt Benjamin Franklin was many things and Sani Dental Group admires one of US earliest influences. We invite to read more of Franklin history and achievements, learned of the many interesting articles published in the Poor Richard's Almanack or The Pennsylvania Gazette. In addition to his many literary works, Franklin made several "small but important" changes to the Declaration of Independence draft sent to him by Thomas Jefferson.

We invite all our readers to learn more about this great character and see all the accomplishments Benjamin Franklin has achieve.