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Benefits of Walking

Walking is one of those pleasures of life that people don't appreciate enough. It's good for your health, gives you energy, and the best of all: it's free! The reasons for walking every day are plenty, and we're here to share with you a few of them. There are little things that you can do daily to keep your health in its best state, and walking is one of the easiest. Sani Dental Group invites you to read these benefits and put on your feet right away to take a good walk. 

It Strengthens your Heart

Like any activity that increases your heart rate, walking is good for your cardiovascular health. Walking has proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. This is because walking reduces your level of cholesterol and keeps your blood pressure on track. With just a walk of 30 minutes a day you can avoid problems like coronary heart disease and high blood pressure, so why wouldn't you do it?

It Helps You to Lose Weight

You may think that to lose a few pounds, you need to run 5 miles a day without stop, right? Well, walking can also help you to lose weight without fainting in the process. With just a 30-minute walk, you can burn 200 calories. It also increases muscle mass and tone, and by having more muscle, your metabolism is faster. In the case you didn't know, a fast metabolism equals a fast burn of calories.

It Strengthens your Memory

According to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, walking 40 minutes a day for a year you can increase the size of your hippocampus by 2%. It is the part of your brain that controls memory and emotion. On the other hand, it was also observed that if you don't walk, the size of your hippocampus can actually decline a 1.4%. Now you know, if you don't want to forget anything, stay moving.

It Improves your Breath

You didn't see that coming, did you? But it's true, and the reason is that by walking your breathing rate increases. It causes the oxygen to travel faster through your bloodstream, helping to eliminate waste products. It also helps to improve your energy level and even increases your ability of healing, just by breathing better. So if you want to be able to sigh deeply for a long time, you need to hit the road and have a walk.

It Reduces Stress

If none of the above has convinced you about walking, then think about your stress. Daily life is hard, you have to deal with a lot of things that are often out of your hands. Well, you can find a reliable help for your stress in walking. A walk (especially in a natural setting) can reduce your perception of stress and give you a time to relax. So walking is not good just for your body, but for your complete wellness. What are you waiting for?

Walking is one of the best allies for your health. And for your dental health, we want you to know that your best ally is Sani Dental Group. We invite you to keep reading our blog to have the best information about dental health at your disposal. You can also subscribe our newsletter and get information and special offers month by month. Our goal is for you to be informed, so you can take the best decisions concerning your health.

Sani Dental Group wants you to stay moving. We invite you to visit one of our dental clinics in Los Algodones, Mexico. Gives us a call, our patient coordinators are ready to give you all the information you need about any dental treatment you're interested in. The moment to have the best smile is now, and we want to help you to achieve it. Your dental health is not something to take lightly, and there's no one who works harder than us. Let us prove it to you.