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At Your Favorite National Park

The month of August is National Parks Month and Sani Dental Group invites all our readers to plan a trip and visit a national park during this month.

There are so many options one can do when visiting a national park, really the possibilities are almost endless; from camping, fishing, hiking, to horseback riding.

All these activities will certainly make you smile, create enjoyable memories, and not to mention stories for future generations.

3 National Parks to Visit

August is here and many young ones are about to return to school, but before they return, take advantage of their vacations/free days and visit a National Park.

During the month of August national parks see some of the best year-round temperatures, a unique benefit you should take for granted.

We invite you to visit a Nation Park during the month of August and uncover a great adventure, whether you are into hiking, horse riding, rafting, sandboarding, or sightseeing; the USA offers you multiple natural and beautiful National Parks.

Sani Dental Group would like to share with you 3 National Parks that you should visit during the month of August.

Yosemite National Park, California

Yosemite National Park is a national park that must be on all the best national parks to visit lists.

Yosemite is one of the most breathtaking places in the world, during National Smile Week this definitely a park you must visit.

During the month of August, the weather in Yosemite is perfect, in addition to the perfect weather Yosemite National Park offers you many vacation rentals.

When visiting Yosemite, don’t forget to travel through the south entrance and see the Tunnel View. The Tunnel View offers its visitors a gorgeous sunset, making it the perfect place to stop share laughs, lunch, joy, and smiles.

Another place to visit is Glacier Point, where an easy one-mile hike will lead you to the best panoramic view of Sierra Peaks; or take a hike through Mariposa Grove, wander and admire some of the earth's oldest sequoias and even walk through the California Tunnel Tree.

Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado

During the month of August Colorado offers its visitors excellent temperatures and the perfect national park to visit is Great Sand Dunes National Park, one of the country's newest National Parks.

This national park offers you offers a wide variety of sand sledding or sandboarding activities; but if you don’t have sandboards or sleds visit Kristi Mountain Sports in Alamosa, where you can rent and at a reasonable price.

This national park in addition offers you activities like hiking, swimming, and horseback riding. Without a doubt, Great Sand Dunes National Park is a national park one must-visits during the month of August.

Glacier National Park, Montana

Montana’s Glacier National Park is an ideal park to visit this august, during this month the park offers its visitors numerous outdoor activities, with rivers flowing at their peak and with forests full of wildlife.

Other activities you can do during this month include, horseback riding in the mountains; Swan Mountain Outfitters offers excursions on which you can explore the lower trails of this amazing park.

However, if you a more of a river person, the month of August offers you the rivers warmest temperatures, but they are not really warm.

Visitors are able to raft in beautiful whitewater rivers, so don’t miss this outdoor activity and book a trip with the Glacier Raft Company. When lunchtime arrives, head out to West Glacier Restaurant and enjoy country-style cooking and tasty huckleberry ice cream.

For Sani Dental Group your smile is our priority and during National Smile Week we want you to smile!

However, August is also national Park's month and the largest dental clinic in Los Algodones invites you to visit a national park during this month. When at your favorite national park go camping, fishing, hiking, or horseback riding; all these activities will certainly put a smile in your face and create memorable moments that you can tell family, friend and future generations.