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Apple's and Teeth

How good are apples for you? Have you ever stop and thought about the old saying; “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. If you haven’t, well we some information that will catch your attention. In our previous blog: Five Life Saving Fruits and Vegetables, we explained the nutritional value apples offered you. In the that blog, we also learned the importance of having a healthy, well balanced diet; now lets see how apples benefit our teeth.

Many of us know that our body needs fuel to function; the most common sources of fuel are the foods we consume. The foods we consume contain nutrients, minerals, vitamins and glucose.

A common source for glucose is: granulated sugar or starchy foods.

Granulated sugars or sucrose is the organic compound commonly called: table sugar, cane sugar or simple sugar; starchy foods include cereals, potatoes, breads, rice among other. When consumed in moderate amounts, sugar can be beneficial to our body and our teeth; the problem will occurred when we eat high amounts of sugary foods. Eating a lot of sugar will cause tooth decay; this happens when sugar starch mixes with amylase, an enzyme found in saliva, when this mix occurs the acid bath surrounds the enamel making, teeth vulnerable to decay.

Apple’s Oral Benefits

When you are in the market and head over to the fruit’s area; what fruits do you select? Well, we advise you to select fresh fruits; for example: apples, cherry, grapes, pears, cranberry, oranges, strawberries, bananas, among others. In the case of apples, this fruit is both sweet and acidic. In addition, the consumption of apples will provide you several oral benefits.

Apples are antioxidant and have even been called nature’s toothbrush. Why are they called nature's toothbrush? An apple can stimulate gums, increase saliva flow and reduce the formation of cavity-producing bacteria. Apples also help protect your smile, whitening your teeth, and overall improve teeth health.

As we mention before, fresh fruits are a better option compared to dried fruits. Dried fruits can adhere to your teeth, staying in your teeth for hours and in some cases days; in addition, the high sucrose levels found in dried fruits, will increase the formation of bacteria.

In the case of apples, there is another way for you to consume it; you can consume Apple Cider Vinegar. What is vinegar? Fermentation occurs when the sugar in foods breaks down by bacteria and yeast. The sugars are turned to alcohol; if alcohol continues to ferment, it turns into vinegar. Can you consume cider harm your teeth? Consuming apple vinegar in large amounts can harm your teeth enamel. A moderate consumption of apple cider can improve oral health.

For Sani Dental Group your oral health is important, we know that fresh fruits provide you different nutritional values. In the month of May, we provided our readers a few easy to digest tips through the blogs Five Life Saving Fruits and Vegetables. Sani Dental Group thinks that fixing your teeth is important, but more important is to improve your life. Call toll free 1-855-SANI-DDS or (928) 257-1307 and make an appointment and obtain more information on all the services we offered.