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Ways to Prepare for Surgery

Learning that you need an operation can be scary, but this shouldn’t be the case, our dental clinic in Los Algodones would like to offer you a few tips that can help you next time you are schedule for surgery. For Sani Dental Group your oral health is important and we want you to have a safe and successful dental surgery or any other type of surgery. We hope these tips can help you and your love ones.

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

Before your surgery tell your doctor if you have more than two drinks a day, having less than two drinks a day or moderate drinking usually does not caused problems; however, heavy drinking can cause serious health problems and complicate any upcoming surgery.

If you have accustomed your body to certain “high” levels of alcohol then alcohol withdrawal before surgery can cause death during or after surgery. A severe alcoholic withdrawal can caused:

  • Arrhythmias
  • Delirium tremens
  • Electrolyte disturbances
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

Avoid Supplements: Natural or Artificial

Do you normally take natural or artificial supplements? This are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, energy boosters and an alternative medicine that can offer you many benefits; but these can also cause several risks during surgery.

Fact: Studies suggest as many as 70% of patients don't tell their doctors they are taking herbal supplements.

Some supplements are suspected or are known to increase bleeding risk, others supplements are associated with cardiovascular risk or with sedating effects that may prolong the effects of anesthesia and other supplements can interact with other drugs. If you are taking any Natural or Artificial supplement tell your doctor if you need to ditch them for some time.

Check your Sugar Levels

If you have a sweet tooth and not only are you at risk of developing Diabetes (high blood sugar), but also you are at risk of developing health problems during surgery.

Fact: Having high blood sugar during surgery quadruples the risk of dying during heart surgery and triples the risk of wound infection.

If you are schedule for surgery, we advise you to ask your doctor to schedule a blood glucose test. Studies and research has demonstrated that patients with high blood sugar levels increases the risk of wound complications after surgery.

Heavy Snores Equals Higher Risks

Sleep disorders are affecting more and more Americans every year. It is estimated that 45% of the population snore and research indicates that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Patients with sleep apnea are at higher risk of developing breathing problems during surgery. Studies published in Sleep Medicine, found that 80% of patients scheduled for surgery are at high risk of developing sleep apnea and were undiagnosed before surgery.

Before surgery we advise you to tell your doctor if you snore frequently; if you do, he might recommend you to do a sleep study. The surgical team will use this information and might need to avoid certain medications that affect or cause breathing problems.

No More Smoking

We all know of the negative effects smoking can cause to our health; there even are several organizations, social media groups and institutes who constantly reminds us of the health problems and risks associated with smoking. Regarding smoking and surgery, nicotine and other compounds found in cigarettes constrict the small blood vessels; this will increase the risk of a heart attack and reduces the blood flow needed for healing.

When comparing smokers to non-smokers, research indicates that:

  • 17 % of smokers are more likely to die during surgery.
  • 53 % of smokers are more likely to have serious heart and lung problems

However if a smoker quits just month before surgery, they can reduce the rates mention above and have and outcome similar to those who never smoked. However, if you decide to smoke even just one cigarette before surgery, you can have the following complications:

  • Anesthesia Complications
  • Heart Must Work Harder
  • Wounds Take Longer to Heal

Review the Meds you Take

There are several medications that normally benefit you, for example: Coumadin or Plavix are blood thinners that can cause bleeding problems during surgery. However, immediately quitting any medication can be extremely dangerous; for example patients who take beta-blockers (Sectral, Tenormin, Coreg, Lopressor, Toprol, Corgard, and/or Inderal) and suddenly stop taking them triple their risk of a heart attack after surgery.

No matter what is the medication you are taking, review with your doctor if any of these can harm you if you stop taking them or if these can complicate the surgery. Try to do this with several weeks before your surgery, this will increase the surgery success rate.

Stay Well Nourished

Entering a surgical table involves many risks; however, if before the surgery we don’t take a few necessary steps, then we increase the risks of complications, health problems or death.

Studies show that 15% of patients who come in for an operation are dangerously malnourished, this increases the risk of complications and can even lead to death afterward.

Review with your doctor if you have the appropriate weight and nutrients for surgery. If not he/she might prescribe you supplements and a diet to strengthen your body.

We hope these tips help you before your next surgery, we know that many fear entering an operation; but this shouldn’t be the case. Sani Dental Group has more than 25 professional dentist and in 2015 we will have new facilities with more professional doctors capable of treating numerous of diseases.