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Why Music Therapy Works

Our dental clinic knows the importance of relaxation, especially after a complex oral surgery. In recent years, scientist have conducted several studies in Music Therapy, thanks to this research scientist have been able to conclude how music benefits our body and even our soul.
According to the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), “Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program.”

1. Affects our Emotions

Have you ever notice that listening to a song can make you smile, feel sad or other emotions? Music has the ability to tab into our emotions and doctors have begun to use music in a “therapeutic” way. They know and understand that listening to certain music will help patients recover faster from a surgery and stimulate positive emotions.

2. Affects Our Memory

Listening to a specific sound or song can take us back to a specific time in your life or a particular person; music has the ability to stimulate our memory in a very powerful way. Music therapists who work with elderly patients that are affect by a brain diseases like (Alzheimer’s, Dementia or other cognitive diseases); have countless stories of how music stimulates patients to remember moments of their life.

3. Assist with our Brain Function

Even though music is not essential to our survival; it is able to assists with our brain’s everyday functions. Research has shown that even day-old infants can detect rhythms. Have you seen a mother sings a lullabies to their infant? Have you notice their reaction? If the infants is crying listening to the mother rhythmic voice will calm the infant.

4. Enhance your Learning Skills

An effective method to learn is through a song; many, if not all young children learned their ABC through this method. Because of its structure and emotional pull music has, it makes music an easy tool for teaching concepts, ideas and information. As mention music can assists our brain functions, it is an effective mnemonic device that makes it easy for us to learn information and later recall it when we hear the song or sounds again.

5. Improves our Attention Skills

Whether you’re an infant or an adult, music is capable of grabbing and holding our attention. Through research, music therapists have been able to target their patients’ attention, allowing them to concentrate and focus, function better and succeed on set goals.

6. Improves Social Skills

When in groups many of us are shy and can have a hard time starting a conversation, however when our favorite song plays something happens and our social skills seem to improve. Throughout centauries our ancestors have passed knowledge and information through songs, stories and dance; this is true even today.

7. Natural Physiological Response

Have been at a movie and felt fear, excitement, joy or sadness; all only through music and sounds?
Most have and have experienced different physiologically responds through music and sounds. Qualified music therapists have used music to stimulate patients who are in a coma or need to relax from stress.

8. Natural Responds (Even in Infants)

Parents know that children naturally respond to music, many begin to dance and sing at an early age and that infants learn through art, music and play.
Both teachers and therapist should know and understand this; using music and other mediums will allow them to offer better treatment and enhance the child learning skills.

9. Predictable, Organized and well Structure - Brain Approve

Music comes in a structure form, have organized phrases and steady predictable beat; our brain loves this predictable and organized structure. This also makes music enjoyable and likeable to listen to over and over again.

10. The Body Entrain to Rhythm

When humming to a song, have you ever notice that you soon begin to walk to the beat? This action is called entrainment. Music has many positive effects as we have learn, another effect that music has is that our motor systems can naturally entrain or match, to a rhythms beat. This is demonstrated when we dance, while hearing music our body naturally adjust to the rhythm and we begin to move to the beat.
Professional qualify therapists have used music to help a person who’s had a stroke to re-learn how to walk and develop strength and endurance in their bodies

Why Music Therapy Works

Every year new treatment techniques are discovered and in recent years doctors and specialist have used music to help with patients recovered from treatment. Through recent research doctors have discovered that using music therapy interventions can:

  • Enhance Memory
  • Help us Express our Feelings
  • Improve Communication
  • Promote Wellness
  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce/Alleviate Pain
  • Stimulate Physical Rehabilitation

Our dental offices in the city of Los Algodones can help you with a full mouth reconstruction either through implants, a dental crown, an all-on-4 or a different dental treatment.
No matter how simple or complex your oral surgery is Sani Dental Group can take care of all your oral needs and after your oral surgery why not treat yourself to your favorite song? As we learn in this post, there are numerous of reason why music therapy works and why we should use it on our everyday life.