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Why I Stopped Flossing (and How I Got Back To It)

We all have the right to have an opinion, even when our opinion is not the best idea. A few years ago, I made an opinion and stuck to it: why do I keep flossing? To me, it was always an obligation. My mom used to force me to floss every night before I sleep; when I grew up, there was a sign telling me to floss everywhere I went. The rule to keep flossing followed me everywhere till the day I realized: I’m an adult now.

Maybe you think it was a dumb idea, but it made all the sense to me. I never understood all the flossing stuff; I brushed and used mouthwash every single day, what was the purpose of flossing? So then I decided to stop doing it, and it wasn’t a quiet decision: I went to my bathroom, took the floss packages that I had and threw them away obstreperously. A sense of relief ran through my body.

I felt free, like if I was in chains for years and then I got released. Every morning, after my daily shower and brushing, I looked myself in the mirror and smiled: I can do whatever I want, nobody can stop me from doing or not doing what I think is right. I was even proud about my decision when I talked to other people about it, they listened to me and thought I was kind of crazy, but I didn’t care; it was my decision and I loved it.

In my mind, the word “consequences” never appeared. I was really focused in my new liberty, even when it was just about flossing. The benefits of using dental floss were never really clear to me, so I didn’t even notice when the damage started to appear in my teeth. The main problem when you have a dental issue is that it doesn’t hurt in the beginning; and as I’ve learned, if it hurts, then maybe it’s too late.

I was almost two entire years without touching any dental floss. In that time, I didn’t even remember why I stopped using it, I just wasn’t flossing and that was it. People around me did notice that something wasn’t right with me. I had bad breath and I knew it, but I just couldn’t see how that had nothing to do with flossing; after all, I brushed and used mouthwash every day.

Then other symptoms started to appear; I got really sensitive to temperatures in my mouth and to the pressure of chewing or biting, I had fever and throbbing toothache. The worst part came when my face started to swell, that´s when I knew that I needed to do something about it. For some reason, I didn’t want to go to see a dentist; what I didn’t need was to hear someone blaming me about don’t flossing my teeth in such a long time.

I really hoped it to be some other thing, but I was wrong, it was a dental problem. My doctor send me to see the dentist, I had no other option. The thing was that I didn’t want to see my regular family dentist; hearing my dentist telling me that I used to have an incredible teeth and I blew it away? No way. I started to look for an option, and that’s how I found Sani Dental Group.

The search for a place where I can receive a good service and don’t feel judged about my dental care made me look around with an open mind. I found Sani’s web page, then it took me to watch their youtube channel, and after a few minutes witnessing the experiences that people had in Sani, I was convinced: my dental treatment would become an exotic pleasure trip to Mexico. When I told my friends about it, they thought I was crazy, but once I arrived to Los Algodones, Mexico, and entered to the Sani Dental clinic, I knew that was the right place.

It wasn’t just a dental clinic, they gave me free lodging with my treatment. The restaurant was also amazing, it was an experience that I didn’t expect. The dentists had so much patience to me, and they explained me all the advantages about flossing and recommended me ways to make the flossing fun. They told me I had dental abscess, an oral disease in which a collection of pus has set on your gums. Yes, I know, it sounds awful, and it was a consequence of my poor dental care. All the ideas I had about flossing and the disgust it caused me were banished when I saw all this people at Sani; they were so worried and cared so much about the dental health of me and everyone there.

It was an experience that changed my point of view in such a big way that I needed to share it, and here is it. I spend almost two years abandoning my teeth, and I paid the consequences, but now I have found a place where I feel so comfortable and cared that I can’t wait to go back. Invite you to be part of the Sani Dental Group Experience and see for yourself all the especial attentions and cares Sani has for their patients.

Sani’s Best Dental Experiences

The above is one of the many reviews and stories our patients constantly share with us and other visitors; many have concerns when coming to a dental clinic, but after reading a few reviews and stories all concerns go away. We invite to visit our site and read more reviews; for example Susan, “My experience in Los Algodones and at the Sani Dental Group Clinic was very positive. The staff and dentists who were involved in my treatment plan and care were exceptionally caring, professional and easy to communicate with.”