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Los Algodones - How Much You Can Save in Dental Health

Visiting Los Algodones is an incredible experience. As we said on a previous post, this little Mexican town has a lot of charm and joy to offer to its visitors. Well, that's not it, in addition to having a great time, you can have big savings in Los Algodones. Food, lodging, dental work, and transport are some of the things where you can save a lot if you plan your trip the right way. So if you wonder how you can make the most of your dental vacation, we're here to share with you how much you can save in Dental Health and how.

Savings on the Trip

Depending on where you're from, there are several ways of coming to Los Algodones. On this season, this town and its surroundings receive thousands of people who come on RV's all the way from the northern US and Canada. These people come to enjoy the warmth of Los Algodones, and they take their time to arrive. Other people come here for just a few days, so they prefer to fly. The way these people use to save is booking their flight with anticipation. This way, they can get the best prices all the time. 

To those who fly, they need to also think on how they will transport once they arrive. Sani Dental Group offers a shuttle service from the Yuma airport to Los Algodones, and from Hacienda Hotel to Sani Dental Group's clinics. If you're getting dental treatments with us, you won't need to worry about transportation, let us take care of it.

Savings on Lodging

Now, there are a lot of people who have a house on Yuma or somewhere near to stay on the season they come to the area. For people who just come to get dental work, there are some options to save on their lodging. Hacienda Los Algodones is the largest hotel in town, and it offers comfortable rooms with quiet surroundings for people who need to rest after dental procedures. In case that you're getting dental work at Sani Dental Group, we have special offers for you. If your treatment is over $1,000 USD, you can have a free night at the hotel. If your treatment is over $2,000 USD, then you can get up to three free nights. More information about this here.

Some people prefer to stay in Yuma, AZ, and Sani Dental Group has advantages for them too. We have deals with many hotels in Yuma to offer special discounts to our patients. So now you know the best way to save on your lodging and transport, isn't that enough? Well, keep reading.

Savings on Dental Work

Los Algodones is often called the capital of Dental Tourism in the world, and with good reason. By coming here, you can save up to 70% on dental treatments compared to the US prices. Also, the dental treatments offered follow the highest standards. That means that you can get high-quality dental treatments at just the 30% of the price you would get on the US. In addition, one of the many advantages of getting dental work in Los Algodones is that here are certified dental clinics.

Sani Dental Group's clinics are certified by the American Dental Association. This means that we achieve the top standards on our dental treatments. We even offer up to 5 years warranty on our work, that's how sure we are about the quality of our procedures. 

Getting dental treatments in Los Algodones is a decision that has changed the life of thousands of people. This little town is focused on giving you the best time while you're visiting it. We hope to see you soon and that you witness everything that Los Algodones has to offer. You deserve the smile you want, and here you can get it at the fair price.

Sani Dental Group is the largest dental group in Los Algodones, and one of the largest in Mexico. We have more than 30 dentists to treat all your dental needs. If you're looking for dental treatments in Mexico, Sani Dental Group is your best option. Give us a call and one of our patient coordinators will give you the information you need about our services. We care for you, and that's why we offer everything to make your trip the easiest possible. Let us take care of everything. Smile, we'll do the rest.