1901 - First Nobel Prize
How do you want to be remembered? No, we are not talking about Magic’s 2014 song. Sani is asking you, our beloved reader, what legacy will you leave? Every year thousands of people accomplish several extraordinary deeds and some receive recognition for their accomplishments. Now, there are some deeds that are extremely extraordinary that participants receive a special award, the Nobel Prize. What is the Nobel Prize? Allow Sani Dental Group to explain, through this post we will explain the rich history associated with the Nobel Prize.
Nobel Prize History
The Nobel Prize is a Swedish prize awarded to people who offer the "greatest benefit to mankind" in the areas of physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature, and/or peace. Thanks to these scientists and philanthropists mankind have benefited in multiple ways. Whether their contributions in academics, culture or science were big or small, at the end their contributions affected mankind in such a positive way that they deserve a recognition. One of the most interesting stories about the Nobel Prize is how Alfred Nobel came up with this ideal prize.
The Obituary that Astonished
Alfred Nobel was born on October 21, 1833, in Stockholm, Sweden. He was a chemist, an engineer, an armaments manufacturer, and an inventor; who had been born to a family of engineers. Alfred’s life change in 1888, when one day he read his own obituary, the obituary was titled “The merchant of death is dead”, in a French newspaper.
Reading this obituary really affected Alfred because the obituary condemned him for the legacy that he had left to future generations. The newspaper said that the merchant of death could have left a better legacy after his death. Why was this newspaper so harsh on Nobel? Because of his invention of Dynamite.
Why would this scientist create such a terrible item? Well, let’s remember that Alfred family were engineers. Alfred Nobel's father, Immanuel Nobel, built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. In order to make these structures rock needed to be blasted. Yes, gunpowder had been used, but these were hard to control and a new safe alternative to black powder and nitroglycerin needed to be invented.
Alfred’s father work, the struggles and thousands of lives that were at risk, inspired Alfred to research new methods of blasting rock, new explosives that were safer and more effective. This is the reason why Nobel invented the Dynamite stick. Nobel tightly controlled the patents, as he didn’t want his invention to fall in the wrong hands. Unfortunately, he could only protect his invention for so long.
Soon another, more destructive used for dynamite was found. Because of its destructive power, the French newspaper called Alfred Nobel the merchant of death. Nobel didn’t want to be known as the merchant of death and sought to redeem his name and change his legacy. Before his death, Nobel’s will went through several changes, on his final will Nobel specified that his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who offer the "greatest benefit to mankind" in the fields of chemistry, literature, medicine, peace, physics, and physiology.
Now this story is interesting, but one might ask, why does it matter?
Why the Nobel Prize Matters
The recognition of the First Nobel Prize is important to Sani Dental Group for several reasons, all of us want to leave a positive legacy. So, how do you want to be remembered? Well in our case, our dental clinic wants to be remembered as the best dental experience patient can ever have. To accomplish this Sani is constantly improving their methods, just like Alfred Nobel researched a safer and more effective to blast rock, our more than 30 professional dentists are constantly researching better and newer technologies that will improve our patients’ dental health.
In our 30+ years of experience, Sani Dental Group has grown to become largest dental clinic in Los Algodones, Mexico. Just like The Nobel Prize recognizes people who offer the "greatest benefit to mankind" in different areas, Sani Dental Group has received several recognitions, from the prestigious "International Patient Services Certification" by the MTA to becoming a member of the ADA (American Dental Association). Why did we receive these recognitions? Because just like Nobel Award winners have left a positive experience in society Sani Dental Group has left a positive and satisfying experience on thousands of our patients.
We invite to visit our review page and read by yourself what our past patients have said of their experience with Sani. Now, if you have any dental needs, we invite you to call one of our patient coordinators, they will be happy to assist you with all your dental needs. How do you want to be remembered? Sani wants to remember you for your beautiful smile – allow us to help, call today.
Disclaimer: Open dentist to help you with your dental needs. We are taking additional special measures following CDC recommendations to ensure your health and safety.