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10 Uses for Toothpaste ? Not only for Oral Health

Many of us today use toothpaste and the primary use for toothpaste is to clean and protect our teeth, that’s why it has the word “tooth” in it. This paste, also called dentifrice, is an essential element to our daily oral hygiene routine. Toothpaste, whether we use it in: pastes, gels or powders, help us prevent gingivitis, bad breath, dry mouth and many other oral diseases.

A key ingredient that helps toothpaste avoid and prevent tooth decay is Fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps fight tooth decay.

However, did you knew that that there are several other uses for toothpaste, other than brushing your teeth. Below we can focus and learn of 3 areas where we can use toothpaste other than brushing our teeth.

Toothpaste as a Cleaning Agent

Can you imagine using toothpaste as a cleaning agent? Here are a few ways you can use toothpaste to clean areas of your home.

Fog Resistance:

When your eyeglasses or googles get foggy, you can use a coating of toothpaste and cloth, rub it onto your glasses or googles, the result? You make them fog resistant.


Do you have Jewelry that does not shine like before? Then why not use toothpaste? By adding a small amount plain toothpaste to a soft cloth or old toothbrush and softly rubbing/scrubbing your jewelry and rinse thoroughly, you can remove stains and let your jewelry re-shine.

Fact: Brush your jewelry with an old toothbrush and plain toothpaste, toothpaste with no tartar control or whitening agents that can damage your jewelry.

Sink and Drain:

To assist with the cleaning of your sink, rub toothpaste around the bowl and rinse, by doing so you will reduce and prevent stale odors.

Stain Removal:

By scrubbing toothpaste onto a stained fabric, you can remove strains. You don’t need to invest much, just use over the counter toothpaste, scrub and repeat if necessary and remove stains, and this works on all fabrics.

Other areas where you can use toothpaste as a cleaning agent include:

  • Baby Bottles
  • Bathroom Sinks
  • Carpet Stains
  • Cell Phone Screens
  • Chrome Items
  • Clothing Stains
  • Coffee Table Water Rings
  • Crayon on Painted Walls
  • Diamonds
  • DVDs and CDs
  • Goggles
  • Headlights
  • Mirror Defogger
  • Patio Furniture
  • Piano Keys
  • Refrigerator Seals
  • Shower Doors
  • Silver and Brass
  • Skin Rashes
  • Tennis Shoes

In your Body

These are a few ways you can use toothpaste in our body.


Recently notice a black spot? Then, add a little bit of plain toothpaste on acne just before going to bed. By morning you will notice that the blackspot has shrunken and dry.

Fact: If you have and allergic reaction to toothpaste do not try this at home.


When your nails get stain you can use toothpaste to clean them, similar to cleaning your teeth. The same keratin-based ingredients in whitening toothpaste that whiten teeth, can help whiten and clean your nails. Nails are also keratin-based, by letting it sit for 5 minutes and then rinsing them with warm water, you will see whiter nails within a few tries.

Skin Relief:

If you have suffer a bee sting, bug bite, skin rash, burn or a cold sore, dab a small amount of toothpaste to the irritated area and feel a great relieve caused from these irritations.

Other uses for toothpaste in our body include:

  • Blemish Cream
  • Bruises
  • Bug Bites
  • Burns
  • Hair Gel
  • Hand Deodorizer
  • Nail Holes
  • Skunk-Spray Deodorizer
  • Teeth

Toothpaste for Miscellaneous Uses

Finally let’s read a few more ways toothpaste can be used.

Freshen your Car

Car smells weird? Add a little bit of tooth paste onto a paper towel and fold it up, place underneath the seat or on the cup-holder of your car and let the sun or heat warm it up. When the sun heat up the towel, the toothpaste will release a minty fragrance to your vehicle.

Onion and Garlic Smells

When cooking with onions and/or garlic, foul odors can stay on our hands; to freshen our hands use toothpaste and warm water, this will rid your hands of foul smells and relieve irritation.

Scratches on Leather

You can use toothpaste to remove scratches on leather, whether it is clothing or furniture; by adding toothpaste onto cloth and rubbing on the scratch leather will make the scuff disappear.

For Sani Dental Group, your oral health is our priority and here in Los Algodones we constantly offer our patients and visitors friendly, easy to understand tips that will help you keep that beautiful smile healthy.

We have previously explain to you several oral diseases that can damage your beautiful smile through our blogs, but also how you prevent these. Learn different ways to use toothpaste, protect your teeth and always have a great smile.

If experiencing any problems in your teeth or mouth contact a Patient Coordinator and let Sani Dental Group that care of your smile.