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How to Have the Picture Perfect Smile

We’ve all been through that moment, the light is right, your skin looks amazing, and the camera loves you (at least, that’s what you think); you’re about to get the perfect picture. Then you see it, all the pieces were in the right place, but your smile just doesn’t works. Even when other people tell you that you look fine, you can’t see it.

Getting a perfect smile is not as easy as it looks. There are factors that you may not even think about, but they affect the way your smile looks in camera. With selfies and instant photo sharing, having a good smile always prepared is a priority; that’s why you need a good dental care, so your smile is always ready.

National Smile Week is all about smiles, and is there a better way to capture a smile than with a picture? To keep the celebration of this week, Sani Dental Group gives you the tips you need to have the most beautiful and healthy smile and show it off in front of the camera.

Practice Makes the Master

If you’re at a party and someone starts to menace with a camera, you better be prepared. Standing in front of a mirror and practicing all kinds of smiles will make you easier to find your most attractive smile. Your goal should be to get the smile that feels most natural to you. When you find a smile you feel comfortable with, practice with it and make it perfect.


Get Ready, Behind the Scenes

If you’re about to get a picture, you may want to prepare first. If you can, always carry a mirror to check your teeth, lips and gums before getting the picture. If your lips look pale and unattractive, you can use lipstick or chapstick; if your teeth don’t look shiny enough, you can add some saliva just before you get photographed. What you don’t want is to get an unprepared picture where your mouth doesn’t stand out.

Natural is Always Better

You don’t want a picture where you look artificial. Your smile must be the one that feels more organic to you. Everybody notice when a smile is imposed and nobody likes it. Let yourself be relaxed and natural feeling comfortable with your smile. If you tense your face to impose an unnatural smile, you could end up with an awkward-looking photo; the kind of photo you want to bury every time someone tags you on Facebook.

Eyes are the Window to the Soul

We all have seen it, someone has a perfectly shiny beautiful smile, but something doesn’t feels right in the picture; his eyes are dead. Having the perfect picture isn’t just about your mouth: you have to smile with your eyes. As with your smile, you should have a little practice in front of the mirror with your eyes. You can cover your mouth and see yourself smiling till you can feel the life in your eyes. Practicing you’ll feel more confident about you getting the best picture always.

Give Regular Maintenance to Your Smile

One thing that can cause you to be afraid of showing your smile is the state of your teeth. If you’re in a situation where you’ve noticed that your smile has lost its natural glow, you don’t have to worry too much about it. There are ways to bring it back and better than ever!

If poor oral hygiene took your shining smile away, it is important to retake and maintain healthy hygiene habits. Keep your teeth clean by brushing and flossing regularly, and maybe add mouthwash to your routine to get rid of bacteria that can cause discoloration.

A beautiful smile can also get affected by age or genetics, but luckily you can get help from the best cosmetic dentist at Sani Dental Group to restore your perfect smile!

Different cosmetic dentistry procedures such as dental veneers can help you achieve the smile you want and deserve.

To maintain your smile healthy is it also important to visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

Check out how our patient enhanced his smile at our clinics!


A good smile causes a good impression, and all we want from our pictures is to impress. Dealing with the appearance of your teeth can give you the confidence to shine in every picture you get, so don’t forget to take care of it.

Your smile says a lot about you, so let it say good things. Following these tips we guarantee you that you’ll be the best part in every picture you’re in. We invite you to celebrate National Smile Week taking all the pictures you want, always showing a perfect smile. After all, what better occasion to picture your smile than this week?

A Picture Perfect Smile at Sani Dental  Group

At Sani Dental Group, your smile is our priority. We invite you to visit one of our dental clinics in mexico in our three locations, Los Algodones, Playa Del Carmen, and Cancun. Give us the opportunity to bring out the best smile in you.

You can also check out our sani dental group reviews and learn about the experience of our patients who got to smile confidently all over again!

Don’t forget that your best smile could be just one call away. Contact us at (928) 257-1307 or through WhatsApp at +52 (984) 143-9777; our patient coordinators are always ready to give you the best service and make your experience the most enjoyable possible. We want to see you smile, we want to see you happy.