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Dental Treatment: Veneers

Many don’t think that their smile is not important, but the reality is; that surveys indicate that the first thing someone notices when they meet you is your smile.

Surveys indicate that 37% of people notice your smile first, not someone’s eyes, hair, body type or weight. For this and other health reasons it important that we always take care of our smile.

Many Americans and Canadians have struggle for with this, especially as we grow older. Every year our teeth can lose their natural radiant appearance, can be damage because of accidents or disease, because of poor eating habits or poor dental care. An option to fix these is a Dental Veneer.

What is a Veneer?

A dental veneers are custom made, tooth-colored shell that protects and covers your teeth front surface. This thin layer is placed over a tooth to improve the aesthetics and to protect your teeth from damage. A veneer helps patients improve the appearance of a tooth, appearance that could have been damage because of a chipped, discoloration or other oral problems. 

A dental veneer is made from dental porcelain or dental composite materials. As mention, a veneers serve as a reconstruction option or can help with ones’ dental aesthetic.

Our dental clinic in Los Algodones wants you to have a strong healthy smile, if you are experiencing pain in your teeth, jaw or would like to improve your smile look; we invite to visit Sani Dental Group.

What Types of Problems Do Dental Veneers Fix?

Veneers can assist patient who have any of the following common dental problems:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Irregular shaped or uneven teeth
  • Misalign teeth
  • Teeth that are worn out

Applying a Dental Veneer: The Procedure

The diagnosis and Treatment Planning

First thing to keep in mind is that you must explain to your dentist the discomfort that is bothering you and the results you are trying to achieve. During the appointment, your dentist will examine your case and determine if veneers are an appropriate solution for you and next procedure step. After this conversation your dentist will take and x-ray and begin to make an impression of your mouth and teeth.


To prepare your tooth, your dentist will remove part of your tooth enamel from the tooth’s surface, about ½ millimeter only. This amount is equal to the thickness of the veneer that will be added to the tooth surface. Remember how you dentist took x-rays and impressions of your mouth and teeth?
Through this molds and models your dentist dental laboratory will begin the elaboration of the veneer. This can take up to 1-2 weeks, especially if the dental laboratory is not in the same facilities; however in the case of Sani Dental Group the own dental laboratory is in facilities. The time to make a veneer is greatly reduce, normally taking 4~5 days.


Once the veneer comes from the dental laboratory, you dentist will temporary place it on your tooth and determine if the results that were determine in the beginning have been achieve. Once approve by the patient and the dentist, he will begin to prepare your tooth to receive the veneer, your tooth will be cleaned, polished and scraped. Afterwards a special cement is applied to the veneer and the veneer. Once the veneer is properly position on the tooth, the dentist will apply a special light beam to the dental veneer, which activates chemicals in the cement, causing it to harden at a faster rate.

The final steps involve removing any excess cement, your dentist evaluating your bite and making any final little adjustments in the veneer if necessary.

How does a Veneer benefit you?

A dental veneer can offer patients many benefits, for example:

  • A natural tooth appearance
  • Gums tolerates porcelain, no allergic reaction
  • Porcelain veneers are stain resistant

Also the cost of this dental procedure is much less, when compare to others. We invite you to visit our dental clinic price list.

Sani Dental Group has dedicated years into learning how to take good care of your teeth. We know the importance of having a healthy and strong smile.

As surveys indicate it’s not your hair, eyes, weight or body shape what other notice first; but your smile! Having a nice smile can improve both your appearance and confidence, visit us and allow us to help you have most beautiful smile and at an affordable cost.

Visit Los Algodones and experience the most enjoyable visit to the dentist you have ever had.

The steps and procedures mentioned in this post are procedures available in the medical field; however, not all these treatments and procedures are perform at Sani Dental Group. To confirm if this procedure is perform at our dental clinics, please contact us directly.