Root Canal
Being a kid is great! You can spend a lot of time outdoors; spend time with family and friends. Also as you grow, you go to school; there you can make many more friends and also increase your knowledge. Other activities you can do in school are sports. What is your favorite sport? For many Americans their favorite sport is Football.
However a problem can occurs when in one of the games you get tackle; at first nothing happens, you get up and continue playing. You even make the winning touchdown. A few months later, during a dental visit, your dentist detects a crack in one of your teeth. After a few questions, your dentist offers you a diagnosis and the treatment options that can help you. Your dentist mentions that his goal is to save your tooth, a treatment option is: root canal.
What is a Root Canal?
Root Canal is a treatment option your dentist will use to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected. This treatment option is performed on patients whom nerve has been infected or the pulp has been damaged. One of the goals your dentist has is to protect and save your teeth. When performing a root canal, the nerve and pulp is removed from the inside, the tooth is then cleaned and sealed.
Root Canal Causes
There are several reasons for which a root canal is needed. A fact we must keep in mind is that we inherit our teeth from our parents; if our parents have soft teeth the risk for decay increases. To determine if your teeth are soft or hard, you must visit you dentist. If you have soft teeth, then you will need to have to take extra steps to prevent decay or other oral problems.
Decay is the primary reason for root canal treatment, your dentist will recommend this procedure if the decay has progress to the pulp of your tooth; the pulp is the nerve tissue. At this point, the patient will have sensitive teeth and drinking something hot or cold, can cause pain. If you visit the dentist on time, your dentist can remove the cavity and add a fill to take care of the problem. However if left untreated, decay can cause bone abscess at the end of the root; abscess is a swollen area in your body, often containing accumulated pus. Abscess can progress and deteriorate away your jaw bone, causing pain and swelling. This problem can aggravate to the extent that the infection can reach the brain and even cause death.
Another common reason forroot canaltreatment is tooth fractures caused by our habits. Habits like grinding, clenching, eating hard foods or biting ice. Though the fracture(s), bacteria can enter and reach the pulp; causing inflammation to the nerve and infecting the tooth. At this point you will not be able to ignore the pain, especially when eating hard foods. You should not ignore the pain and visit your dentist at once.Sani Dental Grouphas more than 25 professional that can provide you a proper diagnostic and the best treatment option, for your oral problem.
The third most common reason for root canal treatment is: life traumas. While growing up your mouth can go through a number of damages; sport injuries, car accidents, sport accidents, falls or fights can cause teeth to crack or snap. The problem with these oral traumas is that sometimes the patient does not feel any symptoms and for this reason does not treat them on time. To provide patients the best diagnosis, your dentist will take an x-ray and determine proper treatment options.
Root Canal Process
During your visit to the dentist, the dentist will take x-rays of your teeth; the x-rays will be taken before the operation begins, during the procedure and after the operation is over.A Root Canalcan be described in 4 simple steps:
After your dentist reviews the x-ray the procedure can begin. First your dentist will administer local anesthetic. Once the tooth is numb, your dentist will place a protective sheet over the area that will be treated; isolating your teeth and keeping the surrounding clean and free from saliva during treatment.
- At this moment you will not feel anything. Here your dentist will make one or more openings in your tooth’s crown. Using a very small instrument your dentist will clean your tooth. The cleaning instrument will reach the pulp chamber and root canals removing bacteria and decay; in addition to re-shaping the area.
- Once the infected area has been cleaned and re-shaped, your dentist will fill the root canals with gutta-percha; a biocompatible rubbery-like material. With the addition of adhesive cement, your dentist will move the gutta-percha around the openings. Depending on the case, your dentist might apply a temporary filling to close the opening.
- During your final visit, dentist will examine your tooth and the procedure they have done on you; also at this stage, your dental crown will be ready. The dentist will placed the crown and other restoration instruments on your tooth, protecting your teeth and restoring your smile.
The steps and procedures mentioned in this post are procedures available in the medical field; however, not all these treatments and procedures are perform at Sani Dental Group. To confirm if this procedure is perform at our dental clinics, please contact us directly.
As we mention there are several traumas that can occur to us throughout our life; if these are severe a root canal can be the best treatment option. Sani Dental Group has professional that will assist you treat all oral diseases; providing you treatment option at an affordable price. If you have any oral discomfort contact us and set up an appointment with us, we will restore your smile and your joy.
Disclaimer: Open dentist to help you with your dental needs. We are taking additional special measures following CDC recommendations to ensure your health and safety.