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Five Life Saving Fruits and Vegetables

Five Life Saving Fruits and Vegetables

Remember we are what we eat; so having a healthy, well-balanced diet will make us experience a better life.

However, the problem is: not knowing what foods we should eat or the quantities. A tool we can use is MyPlate, a nutritional guide provided to us by the United States Department of Agriculture.

For Sani Dental Group, both your smile and your health are of our important.

For this week, Sani Dental Group will provide easy-to-digest information on some of the best fruits and vegetables, let’s begin! 

Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa is a perennial flower in the pea family; this plant is sometimes called Lucerne.

The nutritional value that alfalfa sprouts have is amazing; alfalfa contains proteins, calcium, minerals, and vitamins. The vitamins alfalfa includes B, C, D, E, and K.

Other health benefits associated with alfalfa include: reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

Let’s keep in mind that alfalfa is a good source of phytoestrogens, in women, this will reduce the effects of menopause; its’ saponins compounds will help you reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), but increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

Allium Foods

Weird name right? These foods are actually very common, we eat them more often than we think. Allium foods include onions, garlic, ramps, shallots, chives, and leeks; we usually used these in our kitchen as they played an important role in adding flavor to the foods we cook.

The nutritional value that allium Foods have will leave your mouth wide open.

In addition to adding flavor to foods, the consumption of allium foods reduces the risk of cancer, helps lower blood pressure, and reduces cholesterol.

Eating allium foods on a regular basis will improve your health and help prevent many diseases; in addition to all that they are affordable and make food taste delicious.


We have all heard the saying, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Is it true? Can eating this fruit daily really have positive effects on our health?

Here are a few health benefits that are associated with apples:

  1. Whiter and healthier teeth
  2. Prevent/control diseases like Parkinson, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Cholesterol, and Hearth disease.
  3. Detox your liver
  4. Boost your immune system
  5. Control your weight
  6. (Studies prove that it can) Prevent Cataracts

These are only a few of the known health benefits an apple has; apples’ are also considered great antioxidants; consider to be able to slow the aging process.

In Norse mythology, Iðunn provides the God apples that give them eternal youth. Apples don't only have a nutritional value, but also have had a cultural impact; they have appeared throughout history as a mystical or even the forbidden fruit. There is a wide variety of apples available today, so we do not have an apple a day and keep the doctor away.


Nature’s candy, not only is one of the most delicious fruits available; this small orange fruit is also full of fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins, copper, and potassium.

Although dried apricots or can apricots are available year-round, nothing tastes better than a fresh apricot; this juicy have a handful of health benefits, their nutritional value includes: protection of the heart and eyes, in addition, it has vitamins A, C, E, and K and serves as an antioxidant.

If you suffer from diseases like diabetes, cancer, or osteoporosis, including apricots in your diet is recommended.

Minerals contain in apricots include Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc.


Though out the centuries warriors have had to use spear and javelins to defend themselves from their enemies; a natural way also exist, we can defend ourselves from diseases through the consumption of asparagus Asparagus javelin-shaped and with its nutritional value, this vegetable is ready to defend our body and fight diseases.

Asparagus is loaded with vitamins A, C, E, and K; also is a good source of fiber and is packed with antioxidants. This veggie also has anti-aging properties and helps your brain function perfectly for years to come.

In addition to offering dental services, Sani Dental Group cares about your health. We want to provide you with recommendations and the nutritional value or nutritional impact that eating certain fruits and vegetables can have on your life.

Remember we don’t just fix your teeth, we improve your life. Call toll-free 1-855-SANI-DDS or (928) 257-1307 and make an appointment and obtain more information on all the services we offered.

To continue, read: Five Life-Saving Fruits and Vegetables